A Pretty Big Deal For Us

Again, for the third time in four weeks Benny and I traveled back to the valley for a few days. We stayed with the Nevarez family which was awesome, and I helped my family with some things during the days. We got home last night and I was so super exhausted, but we really did have fun, despite the heat.

While we were gone, not only did Johnny keep the house clean, he also rearranged our bedroom! We had been talking and tossing around ideas about how we could get Benny to sleep in his crib. I love sleeping with him next to me, but in an effort to reduce the pain later, we would like him to get used to sleeping in his bed now.

So, Johnny arranged our bed next to Benny's crib (without the front slider on it. It is basically in co-sleeper style now. While the idea is awesome, I secretly thought it would be a whole lot harder than it looked to get B in it.

We went to bed last night, I cuddled Benny, and couldn't fall asleep so I moved him into his crib once he was deeply slumbering. He stirred a bit, so I moved half in the crib with him (thankfully it is sturdy!), he nursed a little more, and then I ever so slowly backed myself back into our bed. Viola! I nudged Johnny to wake and see this. I was so excited! I ended up practically sleeping in the crack between the two matresses due to the fact that I also need to get used to this arrangement and I needed to hold Benny's hand. B slept for a few hours and stirred. I was close enough to soothe him back to sleep, and then about an hour later he woke and wanted to nurse. At this point I was too tired to try to get him back in his bed, so I cuddled him close to nurse and back to sleep we both drifted! BUT, the few hours in his bed were such and accomplishment that I feel charged and excited that there is hope without actually weaning!

So yep. Thats it! It was a big deal and a big start and I am super happy! Now I need to work with him during his naps and getting him to nap without me....whew.. one thing at a time.


tyedyedh said...

Wow...uphill, in the heat, one handed without shoes...man, such a trooper!!!