Give Peas A Chance

We are slooooooowly (too slowly for some) introducing food to Benny. I mixed some peas with cereal to see how he would fair, and to my suprise, he didn't turn his face away. He winced slightly, but got over it quickly. After a few bites we let him play. Enjoy the pics!

He loves rubbing his hand back and forth to feel the smoothness of his high chair. Let the food painting begin!

He is so fascinated by the corners of his table top. Its funny to watch him rub!

Clean up is not so fun though!

Waaaaaaaa.... we took his pea project away and he was MAD!

Mmm Bubblegum Tooth Paste. Er, Yuck Paste!

Now that Benny has two front teeth, we decided to give tooth brushing a try. More for fun than for actual teeth cleaning. The pictures almost speak for themselves!

We're both happy. I'm excited to give this a "funsies" try, and he's happy but just isn't showing it. Obviously he has no clue what is really going on!

I'm probably saying something like "oooookkkaaay, here we go" in my "baby voice". It's my way of explaining things to him!

Hhmm.. this tastes like a chop shop attempt at a bubblegum flavor! Either way it is temporarily exciting him!

Gotta get those two front teeth. Ehh.. Benny is starting to dislike teeth brushing. He's had enough.

I give up. He's fought me all that I was willing to take and so I relented and put the cap on the toothbrush thus ending our toothbrushing affair!

Gripes and Groans

I'm going to take this space as a forum to gripe tonight. But first I must say that Benny is peacfully sleeping at 8 PM tonight! This is rare, but we are going to try something new... I will go into more details in a minute. Beware, this is an extremely long winded blog (yet amusing if I do say myself)!

So, Benny and I went on a normal evening walk tonight. We skipped the beach and headed for the donut shop for a cup of coffee for me of course (it's not appropriate for him at 6 PM) and then to the post office. Anyway, according to the signs along the way, the sidewalk on the side of the road that the donut shop sits was closed for construction so I walked on the opposite side. No big deal although I did have to jay walk..oopsie. I got coffee and Benny got his greeting from his favorite donut shop lady (we are never quite sure what she is saying, but she is always smiling when she speaks so it must be nice!).

We proceeded to the Post Office which is on the same side of the street as the donut shop. Following? If not, go back and re-read... I'll wait for you! Ok, on our way back I decided to cross the street near the post office in order to avoid jay walking again. There were no advance warnings of a sidewalk closure either, so I thought perfect, and we were safe! Oh no. I came up to a sign that said the sidewalk was closed directly on top of the closed portion- right there, closed!! I looked around and my options were to cut through a parking lot and into an alley which I wasn't about to do. I've watched enough crime shows to know that's a no-no. I could have turned around and walked two more blocks backwards which was most logical given my "abide by sidewalk closure sign" options but most inconvenient. My other option was to step into oncoming traffic on Artesia Blvd (the major road on this side of town)and I wasn't going to do that either. Quick thinking led me to move the cones that prevented my passing and walk lightly on the fresh concrete. I even looked behind me to make sure that I had not left traffic marks.

At this time I heard "That's fresh". Duh. I can see this. I shouted back "Well I'm not going to push my baby into oncoming traffic" then more yelling my way..."Thanks for stepping into our concrete", "Can't you see the sidewalk is closed" "There's a sign right there.. can't you read it?" "Are you too lazy to go around?" and more yelling which at this point I wasn't even listening to. I was firing back that if there had been a sign posted BEFORE I got to the closure I would have found a different route and that it's ludacris to expect me to "go around and into traffic". I was so mad that I asked if these guys were city employees. The guy that was doing all the yelling said in I'm sure his most cocky tone "yeah, we work for the city" so I asked his name. He gave me his first, but said it was none of my business when I asked for his last. Hmph. Obviously he didn't expect me to be the person that I am!

I was shaking on the inside. This creep was so threatening. I pushed the stroller out of there as fast as possible as he was beginning to yell again. There were two onlookers who were in disbelief as well. The whole way home I was fuming inside. These are the people that take safety out of our towns and make women afraid to enjoy evening air.

I decided to write to the city manager. My message was short and to the point: this was unacceptable behavior by any city worker who essentially represents the city. Secondly, there should be signs posted that the sidewalk is closed at the beginning of the block. We will see if I get a response. If not, you all know me...I won't give this up. I guess then I'll have to contact my city council member, and then there is the mayor's office. I believe firmly in the chain of command so I will follow it with the newspaper being the highest in command! I'm sure I will get a speedy response! Grrr... talk about killing my night!

Onto other issues! So Benny is asleep early tonight because we are going to try a new schedule! The reason for this is that he is not doing well at the gym Kid's Klub. I know the real reason is more like the person caring for him, but I thought I'd exhaust all other possible excuses for his crankiness before giving her the sole blame.

Last week I was called out of my 8:30 AM spinning class because he would not stop crying. I was reluctant to take him back, but I almost can't bear missing class. I waited the rest of the week out thinking that it could have been attributed to his teething. We went back yesterday. I finished my hour session and when I walked into the Kid's Klub he was crying again. The caregiver proceeded to tell me that Benny is "the worse baby that she has had because she can't get him to stop crying". I didn't take too much offense since I can tell that her vocabulary is limited therefore she probably doesn't know how to express herself wihtout calling him "the worse" (which is improper anyway!). But I was a little annoyed.

In the past this particular caregiver has repetitively asked me to bring him a bottle or a pacifier even after my kind explanations that he takes neither and the reason for his fingers and every other object he can get his little paws on and in his mouth is due to ta-da! TEETHING!!!!! It has occured to me that women who do not parent as I do have a hard time with the notion of not shoving something in the babe's mouth to shut him up! I finally asked if she actually gets on the floor and plays with him!?! What a concept! I have observed her many times with children in her care running around and she is at the counter computer with her back slightly to them. My personal opinion is that there should not be any reason for her to be at the counter unless she is checking someone in..which during the said obeservations the counter was empty. I'm just not sure if I understand how it is that someone who is considered a "caregiver" is unable to get a fresh 9 month old baby to stop crying! He is fed, diapered, rested and in good spirits when I drop him off!

Ok, so I got that off my chest. Back to why Benny is sleeping. So today I took benny "one more time" to the gym. This time was after his morning nap. I chose a light and quick workout. The reason that I went to the gym was more for the idea to see if a time change could do Benny a better favor and he would be in better spirits. To my delight, the caregiver was not working with the kids today!!! The girl that was working was on the floor with a few kids when I walked in. Yay! A real caregiver! When I returned 40 minutes later she told me that Benny was wonderful and had just started to cry a few minutes earlier.

So my question is: did B do well because of the new caregiver actually paying attention to him or was it the change in time frame that left him in a better mood? I'm figuring a combo of both, but I am going to try it again tomorrow. We decided that if Johnny and I start morning runs that perhaps we could change Benny's schedule a bit so he will nap earlier and I don't have to give up my mornings at the gym! I hope this works! We wore him out at the beach this afternoon and I prevented his late afternoon nap in order to get him to sleep early! Whew, this schedule stuff is hectic! I hope you all followed! I know I can get long winded at times..well, pretty much all the time!

And my last gripe is city parking!!! Arggggg..... I have found an entrance to the beach that I love love love but the city of Hermosa Beach makes it virtually impossible for any regular beach lover to afford to enjoy the beach! Most parking areas have a 1 hour limit unless you have a resident's pass. If you find a spot that is more than 1 hour, it is metered with most being a 3 hour time limit, at get this: $1.25 an hour!!!! These are in effect all day and everyday!!

There are two free lots which are 1/2 mile away (I've verified this) from the main beach entrance which is where the pier is, but unless you are willing to walk the distance and get there early enough to find a spot, the lots are pointless. We have been known to jog down to the beach from our house, but jogging and packing all the necessities one with a small child needs for an afternoon afair at the beach is not a very reasonable idea.

I read that the city's number one source of revenue is parking. This includes parking meters, resident passes and tickets. Let me tell you, they hand out tickets on a minute's expiration too. The "meter maid" could be mistaken for Polzi by some Internationals based on their speed and dedication for capturing any parking violator. Tickets are also given on street sweeping days if one is in the way of the great street sweeper. This has baffled me since moving down to Southern California. For a state in such financial crisis, city budgets being slashed along with city furloughs and hiring freezes, is the cost of street sweeping valid? Well, once one sees first hand the little meter maid driving directly in front of the street sweeper and handing out tickets to any vehicle in it's path ($40 bucks a pop if paid on time), it is apparent that the two work together and are a revenue generating force to be reckoned with.

I say all of us locals pay enough in taxes that we should be able to enjoy the beach at a lesser expense than our entire paycheck.. but I am highly doubtful that my complaint (or the other 65000 residents who feel the same) will be considered. I mean really, how else will the free plastic doggy doo-doo bags on the strand or the city's worker (who yells at a mother pushing a baby) salary be funded?

Confessions Of An Average Mom

I often find myself spending way too much time thinking of all the things that I don't do as a mom. I feel like I am just average.... I love my son and want the best, but I see so many more moms doing so much more than I do. I confess that I am jealous of their seemingly never ending zest for motherhood. I begin to feel guilty for needing "ME" time and for asking for my own time out.

Against American Association of Pediatrics' advice, I allow Benny to watch Noggin TV although he isn't two years old yet. It gives me a chance to do non baby related things.. like the dishes and read the news! Sometimes I let Benny cry for 5 minutes before running to his rescue (albeit major mommy need). We don't read as many books as "they" say we should, eat the foods "they" advise, and I've let Benny taste chocolate and eat a french fry! I cuddle him all night long and don't force him to sleep anywhere but at my side. I nurse him on demand and let Benny be in control and I don't have any set schedule or timed naps for him. We get up and go at a moments notice and I nurse him wherever we are. Am I creating a problem for the future?

I feel inadequate at times because I am not completely on top of life's creativity tower. I listen to moms' ideas for so many things and I take it all in and think.. where do they think of this stuff? I know somewhere in my mind that ideas are passed from mom to mom and nobody knows it all, but I can't help but be an average mom wondering if my averageness is less than the acceptable average. In other words.. am I doing this stuff right or am I in the danger gray area?

I have prayed many mornings that Benny would fall back to sleep for "just a few more minutes".. and I fantasized what it would be like to have an entire day of selfish mommy-ness! Sometimes I look around our place and think "will this mess ever be cleaned up"? and of course it will be, just not today..and sometimes I wish it was today! We don't engage in daily curricular mom and me activites unless one considers trying to stay one step ahead of Benny with enterainment is considered mom and me activity. Am I hindering his growth?

I let Benny go to bed when he wants, wake up at 10 PM when Dad gets home if he wants and we listen to rock and roll music which may not be as kid friendly to some. Some days Benny only gets his hands and face washed and doesn't take a bath because I am just too stinking tired (those are days the house gets cleaned!). Some days he gets to shower with dad and then bathe with mom. Some times I almost feel like we aim at inconsistency in our parenthood. Is this what parenthood is? I know good parenting is doing what works for your family, but am I missing out on things that would actually work "better" for us because of my inability to operate at 100% for 100% of the time? Where do women find the energy to operate this way? I seriously want to know.. or is it not what it appears? If it isn't, it sure does look good!

At the end of the day though, I remember that I may be an average parent, but I don't just love my little guy in an average way. I would die protecting him and when his little eyes close at the end of the say I know that he is well loved and protected....even if I am just average!

Oh Baby Teeth...How I Despise Thee

Benny is a mess. He slept for nothing last night and at 5:00 this morning Johnny was getting up and reaching for the teething tablets while I tried to comfort our restless baby boy. He cried and laughed and jumped around, put his head at the foot of the bed then turned around, got up and played with the blinds- all in random order. It went on and on. He couldn't decide what he wanted to do. Luckily within a few minutes he crashed again but it has left both of us very tired today and it's safe to assume that I am going to have to skip the gym because I don't want to leave Benny without me at all. I was called out of spinning yesterday because Benny screamed for 15 minutes until I picked him up. The minute that he made contact with me he stopped. Just like turning off a facet. Needless to say, he is not handling me being out of his sight for even a second and this sure is making things hard if I attempt anything.. so I have an excuse to be lazy (I'm hard on myself so I"ll take this when I have to!)

Tomorrow is our monthly La Leche League meeting... maybe some of the girls will have helpful tips or homeopathic advice. These bottom teeth are swollen buds which are refusing to break. I really wish that they would.. I'm not sure how many nights I can endure before pulling my own hair out sounds like a reasonable answer!

Picture Review

The last week has not proved any slower than previously thought! After unpacking from our last trips I got back into the peddal of things in my spinning class, we spent the entire weekend and yesterday at the beach, I cooked a few good meals, Sasha and boys were here for a few days, and whew... today Benny and I got ALLLLLLLL the laundry done! This actually meant lugging the laundry basket up and down the stairs with Benny in it! I'm exhausted. I feel like I have been non stop!
Anyway, we have discovered that Benny loves cherries this week and now officially walks (unsteadliy of course) from roomto room trying to find mommy if I happen to get out of his sight for a quick minute! He also has a new fondness for the sand at the beach and would love to lay in it if we would let him!
Here is a quick review of the week in pictures! Enjoy!
The newest additions to our family: Benny's two front teeth!

Hence why he is chewing on EVERYTHING!
Laundry day: Don't throw the baby out with the wash water!


A bucket of salt water sounds like a good meal!

Johnny had to forfiet his t-shirt after Benny had to be stripped down to his diaper at the beach!

He's just so dang cute!

It gets cold after DAD lets the BABY get soaked in the water!

It was a long tiresome day at the beach!


We can't get him to keep his little hiney seated!

Cherries.. Yummy!

A sleeping baby is a GREAT baby!

A closer look at this picture shows green eyes for the day!

We moved the lamp to the other side of the room and tried to hide it with the can see from this picture how well it worked!

A Few Funny PIctures and A Super Funny Video!

I guess this means that he needs bigger swim shorts!

Check out those little blue shorts that HIS FATHER dressed him in! First of all, JOHNNY bought those for Benny when he was 3 days old. They are size 0-3 months.. hence the short length. Oh boy do these guys keep me cracking up and on my toes!

This video is so funny! I was doing an impression of Sasha's son Jack after eating a sugar rush (the crazy sounds in the background)and Benny thought it was so funny that he laughed til he cried!

Whew.. It's Been Awhile

Ok, First of all, I am sorry!!! I am sorry for not blogging at all lately. It seems like the whole month of May just passed me by and I wasn';t aware of it! We have been super duper busy with trips and family and more trips and as you know, Benny!

A quick update, and I promise to start blogging more regularly again now that I might have more time in the month of June! Benny is officially walking and has TWO teeth! He also says "mama" although I don't think he knows exactly what it means! He started taking steps two weeks ago, and now can manage to stand on his own from a sitting position and takes about 5-10 steps before landing on his butt! And the teeth.. well, lket me tell you, they came in faster than I knew possible! On Sunday they had still not broke the skin, but by Monday night it was a different story! The two top teeth are still small, but I sure can feel them when nursing! OUCH!

On another note, we had a wonderful week with my dad. He and Benny became best buds although B had to warm up to him! Hopefully he was convinced to move out here with us! We would love to have him so much!

We also had an awesome family reunion in Morro Bay! I had mentally planned this for several months, and it came and went way too fast! It was the best day of the year for me to have all of my family in one place and time again! I couldn't have asked for more! We stayed in a beautiful sea side home and had an awesome view of Morro Rock. I loved every minute of it and cried at the end of the night for my aunts and cousins not to leave! I wasn't ready for it to be over yet!

Back to the beginning of May though.. we campoed at the Oceano Dunes for Mother's Day and it was great! B did very well camping and I got to ride the dunes baby free! B did get sand in his eye and got a little infection, but it has since cleared nicely and I would definitley to the camping thing with him again!

Also, I have submitted to putting Benny in the Kids Klub at the gym each morning! I tried so hard to work out during times which B could stay with Johnny but it became too difficult. I was so nervous and still check on him several times throughout my workout, but I am getting more comfortable leaving him. This is big scary stuff for me!!! Benny seemsto like it and does very well with the caregiver and other kids! For those of you without kids, you have no idea what I am taling about and probably think I am nuts, but you just wait....!!!

Well, this is a quick wqrap up of May. I'll do better with updates in the coming months. Here are a few pictures from the recent activities! Enjoy!