I have Pictures!

Here's the new little tiny bebe!!!! He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable and has beautiful blue eyes! Check him out!

New life means new beginnings

As I posted earlier, my sister gave birth to her son Ronan Crawford Marchese this afternoon, and I am totally stoked! This means so many things to me on so many different levels. First of all, it means that we throw our sisterly fights out the window and celebrate!

I know that most readers know about mine and my sister's childhoods. blah blah blah, my sister came to live with me in Tenessee when she was 14... whoa! I was at personal crossroads, and my sister became not only a sister, but like my own child. I look back and have the biggest smile when I think of her and I making the trip to Kentucky to visit the corvette museum, or the nights that we would endure Tennessee storms together.. we have so many memories, I could go on and on.

I know I made some poor decisions, and both Jessi and I had to learn from them, but we got stronger and my love for her only grew. Then, she met Will. I remember being so hesitant to let him come over to our house, but she was afterall 18 and I couldn't stop them from meeting up! I love my brother and I am so glad that they did meet!

It has been a hard journey for me, from being a sister to mother, and now just being back to plain old sister again. So many times I have tried to control her life and we have fought, but I only wanted to make situations easier for her so that she doesn't endure heartache- the mother knows best syndrome. She married Will and moved out of my house and made a life of her own. This was so hard for me. Even though I was in my early twenties and living my own rambunctious life, I wasnt quite ready for her to leave my nest. She was a sort of safety net for me. My only family within 2500 miles! But, Jessi has proven that she will make her way!

Now, she's a mommy! I am learning better boundries in our relationship, and am still learning and struggling with letting her go. I am so proud of her thogh. She really will be an excellent mom and I know that she will love Ronan more than she thought was possible. I want our boys to know each other so well... I want to share everything that parenting has to offer with her and keep the beauty of our sisterhood alive as our aunts have done. I think now that she is a mom I have realized that I must now see her as my equal, and not like the little sister that needs me for direction, but needs me more as a friend! This is a new beginning and I am so excited for this journey! Despite all flaws, I am so incredibly lucky to have an amazingly loving family! My sister and I can never complain that we weren't loved-and still loved by so many other than just our parents! I hope our children say the same for us!

Yay! I'm an aunt!

I'm sooooooo excited!! My little sister gave birth today! Baby Ronan Crawford Marchese was born this afternoon and weighs 7 lbs 3 ounces! He is healthy and Jessi is healthy! At the time that I am posting this, my sister is still in recovery and I have only talked to my brother. Baby Ronan had not been measured yet but I'm sure my sister will call with more details! I'm just sooooo excited, I had to post something! Benny has a new baby cousin and we totally cannot wait to meet him!

OK... we let the cat outta the bag!

No, I'm not pregnant again.... or at least I don't think so!

We finally decided on our wedding!!!!!! Actually, we decided a bit back, but wanted to tell our parents before we let the word out!

We are getting married in February 2010 in Jamaica. Sorry that there will not be a ceremony for all to attend. We have decided to take this trip only with eachother. There will however be a party when we return which we want to see all faces at!

So, for all of you peer pressurers and nosey nosers out there, now you know!

Ode To My Love

I am so thankful for Johnny. I thank life everday that he is in it with me! I have been many places and have seen many faces, but nothing compares.

I have learned that good things take work-hard work, and being complacent will not suffice. I look at my family, and I know why I have a drive to be better today than I was yesterday. I want nothing less than the best for my family, they deserve nothing less.

While I know best that I am far from perfect, I have learned to say I am sorry and mean it, and learned to recognize when I gave less than I could have, but know that I never fail unless I give up. I cherish learning these things with Johnny by my side. I find respite in loving more than I thought I'd be capable of, and having the love returned.

I'm lucky to have the little things that some take for granted...like Johnny making my coffee in the morning to entertaining Benjamin on a Saturday morning so that I may sleep just an hour longer! These little things don't go unnoticed.

Johnny-Thank you for being an awesome member of our team, for being an awesome father, for being my other half, for always making an effort and taking your time to be the best you can be and last but certainly not least, for loving us so very much, and making sure that we know it!

Whew, I AM lucky! Literally, I could not ask for more!

I have a right to brag!

We made another trip to the valley this past weekend! Here are a few pictures.... and of course pictures of our little boy... I can't resist!

It's not hard to catch him smiling!

Asleep with his music maker in one hand and his book in the other. He loves this darn book!

Sitting up all on his own.. with padding around him of course. I have a handsome boy!

I am so lucky and thankful that I have a life partner who cares so much! And Benny is so lucky to have such an awesome dad!

Awwww.... Madison. She's such a little ham!

Yes. Believe this picture. He is standing up with on his own! Of course he is holding onto the play kitchen, but nonetheless, no adult help!

They played very well together this past weekend! Madison loves her little cousin "Bubba"! Their grandma bought them a play kitchen for Valentine's Day!

Love Makes The World Go Round

I have to share this!

When I was probably around 10 years old and my parents were separated, my Dad took my sister and I to a Valentine's dinner at church. We were his dates. After the dinner, everyone formed a circle and sand this song 'Love Makes The World Go 'Round". I don't remember all the words, but my dad does. Every year since then my dad has sang this song to me on Valentine's Day. Sometimes we miss birthday cards etc., but we never miss Valentine's Day or sending eachother Valentine cards. It just something very special between my father and I. This year my dad and I sang "Love Makes The World Go Round" to Benjamin! It was so special to me to introduce my son to such an awesome and precious memory and tradition.

I hope my son has a relationship with Johnny and I when he is grown as my father and I do.

A quiet weekend at home... oh not so!

We were really busy last weekend and have a very busy week coming up with a very full weekend next as well so we decided to stay home this weekend and count in some quality pajama and cuddle time. Well, if you know what is going on with us, you will know that we have a crazy baby right now. He is teething with vengence, fussy, almost more than I bargained for (but not quite). Saturday afternoon there was nothing that we could do to appease his little soul so spontaneously we decided to take a trip up Carpenteria (just south of Santa Barbara and about an hour north of us.) We were on a mission to watch the sunset and give Benjamin some fresh air.

The skies were beautiful with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and the hillsides outside of Los Angeles were green and inviting. We had three diapers and some travel wipes packed in my purse and we decided to keep driving past Carpenteria. We had no particular destination in mind, but just knew that Benny was peacefully taking a nap (finally!) and we were enjoying eachother's company and the nice scenery and weather. We passed Santa Barbara and decided to make it to Pismo Beach for dinner at Splash cafe. We stopped along the way to admire the beaches and huge swells but made it in time for dinner! It was amazing driving along the water nearly the whole way along the US 101.

Upon arriving we checked into a beachside hotel room and headed out after dinner to find diapers! We were fine with wearing the same clothes until we returned home and cherished the adventure, but diapers were a must have! After accomplishing this task, we stopped at my aunt's house for some quick visiting and then checked in for the night. We rose early this morning to drearing skies and cold weather, but it didn't stop our spirits! We ate breakfast and took our time meandering around town before heading home. The drive home was a blast as well. Again, Benny slept peacefully and Johnny and I had quality conversation time!
To say the least, it was certainly not a quiet and cozy weekend in the house. We challenged our adventurous sides and made lasting family memories! Here are some pics.... enjoy!

The green hillsides just north of L.A.

One of our stops... A little beach called Seacliff...just off the 101

The morning mist and fog on Pismo Beach-even dreariness has beauty

Another beach that we stopped at. The storms had washed up a lot of seaweed and the waves were beautiful.

Benny and I in our hotel room. Of course we were doing what we do best... dressing B up!

I am so lucky... and I know it! Johnny never minds helping out and wearing Benny when I am too tired.

How can you not love this little face!?!

Benny's newest accomplishment- Standing himself up and holding it! And what better place to practice than dad's belly!

He was the king of the bed..... as usual!

The bloody bloody bookshelf.

I eyed this guy back in September while spending countless hours walking up and down aisles of every store I could waddle into. I WANTED this bookshelf. I thought about it over and over again. I even took measurements to ensure that it would fit in our place. Finally after all the waiting and patience I exhibited, I was able to buy the bloody damn thing.

It didn't fit in the car, nor our living room! At least not without serious rearranging and seriously messing up my feng shui. But, here it is...standing tall and proudly in my un-chi living room! Now, I have no idea where my box of books is. It has been lost in the move. What is a bookshelf for without any books?

Just a Few Benjamin Pics!

Almost crawling!
He knows how to pull himself up on all fours, but hasn't quite mastered the arm movement part!

My most favorite boys!

My chubby bunny!

The next contender!

4 Month Check Up!

Benny had his four month check up today. It was an appointment that we delayed because he wasn't feeling well last week. If you read my previous blog about Benny's doctor, you'll remember that I said this week's appointment will be the one which determines if she will remain his doc.

So here goes:

Benny weighs 17lbs 8 oz! He is in the 90th percentile! Yikes! He's the weed that I grow- 5 pound weight gain in two months!!

His head circumfrence is 18.5 inches! This is 2.5 onches bigger than last check up and in the 90th percentile as well!

And his length.... 25 inches which puts him in the 50th percentile! He's grown 3 inches in two months!

Now, on to my pediatric bitching soapbox!

This is a new doctor right? Shouldn't she ask for his last stats? Well, she didn't. He is 4 1/2 months old and exclusively breastfed. We actually are going to try to keep him this way as long as possible with our goal at 1 year! She (wihtout asking what he normally eats) suggsted that we introduce cereal. I told her (not that I was asked) that we didn't want to introduce anything and she sort of stumbled and ate some of her words. Why is it that everyone is so quick to put a spoon in the kid's mouth? This is a huge deal breaker for me. I am fighting against a lot in order to breastfeed exclusively, and the doctor of ALL people should be suggesting that he is exclusively breastfed for the first six months at the least! Doesn't her pediatric book say this? Every site on the internet does! So a huge 100 point loss for her which is going to be hard to recover from in my book!

I told her that I had two concerns. One we discussed and then before we got to the second she started to walk out of the room. I stood there thinking "is she going to walk out? Do I seriously need to make her look forgetful and remind her that there is something else that I want to talk about.. I did JUST tell her this".

Then lastly, she only listened to his heart and lungs (while clothed) and opened his diaper and then she was done! No feeling around his head for proper bone growth, no asking about his met milestones or even removing his clothes to check him unclothed. Nothing! What if I was a child abuser and he was bruised under his clothes (I am NOT, but still)? How many children slip through the cracks this way? Or what about simple skin conditions that I may not be aware of as a mother, but the doctor is the first line of defense? I suppose Benny would hae problems then!

I'm so disappointed and will be on the hunt for a new pediatrician! I don't think I have asked for a lot, but the two MUST HAVE criteria are that she meets the most basic exam procedures and we see eye to eye on breastfeeding. Not too much to ask for, but she failed!

(Stepping off soap box now)

Anyhow, Benny received his shots and has been a champ all afternoon! I am so blessed with a wonderful baby!

Im so crafty, I should be on HGTV!

Cheers to low budget craftiness!

I've had this idea in my head for a few months now, but just haven't gotten around to it until this past weekend. We made a trip to JoAnns Fabrics and picked up some artists canvases and 4 yards of fabric. I scored both of these at 40% off!

Anyway, I'm certainly not one for going above my budget for unneccesary things, so I put this "head board" idea together and am very pleased with the outcome! The even craftier idea is that I can add more canvases and/or change the fabric and there is an entire new art piece!

Our plain and sad white wall before I took charge!

This is actually really neat-o fabric. It is lavender with little white striprs. I found exactly what I was looking for.
Here are the two canvases that I covered. All you need to do is lay the fabric with the print side down and "wrap" the canvas- as you would wrap a present. Use a staple gun rather than tape of course!
Ta-Da! I want to add these with different fabrics and sizes to every room in our place! It is seriously so cheap and changes the entire dynamic of the room!