Dodgers vs. Brewers.... Check!

We hit up Dodger Stadium this weekend for the first game of the season. Yay! It was all of our first Dodgers game! And, I went back to being a brunette which has been a shock in the mirror for me. The game was my "debut outing"! Ha! Anyway, enjoy!

I think he is the only person left who wears a satin Starteer jacket. He claims he bought it at a yard sale 10 years ago for $7.00. Whatever the truth is he sported it with pride!

B and I in front of the stadium.

Benny was totally cool. He chilled nicely!

Awwww..... They are so perfect together!

Wow.. we are a super hot couple!

I guess the Terminator is coming out again???????/

The Downtown skyline at night! Ohhhh.... pretty!

And we finished the weekend off with a Sunday afternoon at the beach! Yay for super nice weather!