72 degrees today....nu-ice!

First, I have to say big-ups to Manchester United for winning the English Premier League title last weekend. Woo woo! Ronaldo, Tevez and Rooney are dynomite (I am sure no one's ever heard those names before). Ok, got that off my shess.
With that being said I want to mention my latest NBA observations. I am getting so sick of major league sports. The game has been run-over by the all mighty dollar. To start there are way too many flippin conmercials. During the second quarter of the Laker game I swear I was craving a double-chee from BK.

I also managed to squeeze in time this week to beat Call of Duty 4 (360). This may not sound like much to ya'll but this my Woo-Sah time. For some reasons yelling at kids located across the U.S. relieves alot of stress. Plus shooting little dudes running across my screen is fun, so back off. *Thanks boo for taking those afternoon naps as well as managing B when he wanted to eat the controller.

Our little Benny has been on fire this month. He is meerly weeks from walking, I can feel it. We've been practicing his one-handed walk-sies', which he loves. It makes me a bit sad to see him evolve away from his tiny baby hood though. We are trying to prepare ourself for the spawn of...dun dun dun.... El Destructo. We've got everything breakable high up except for this one lamp which has fingerprints all over the bottom already. He has also mastered the high-5 (shweet) and he gives kisses like he works at a kissing booth. Everyday Lindsey and I look at him in amazement. We have successfully created the cutest baby to ever walk this planet. No doubt.

We also have a bit of camera shopping to due this week. Your recomedations and reviews of the latest camera's are more than welcome. The dust storm of '09 in Pismo Beach last week kicked its little 8 megapixel butt. Not to mention I am still finding grains of sand in my undies.

Other news.
Work has been good no big woop. Alot of students I had when I first started working here are now done with the program. It's very rewarding to be a part of someone's life when their looking to better themselves.
I also have some family issues (who doesn't) that I'm trying to work out.

...and the weather, a very nu-ice 72 degrees today. Lucky.


Jesika said...

OH Beleive me I know who Christian Ronaldo is....he's my boyfriend but Eddie just doesnt know yet!!!