A quick update, and I promise to start blogging more regularly again now that I might have more time in the month of June! Benny is officially walking and has TWO teeth! He also says "mama" although I don't think he knows exactly what it means! He started taking steps two weeks ago, and now can manage to stand on his own from a sitting position and takes about 5-10 steps before landing on his butt! And the teeth.. well, lket me tell you, they came in faster than I knew possible! On Sunday they had still not broke the skin, but by Monday night it was a different story! The two top teeth are still small, but I sure can feel them when nursing! OUCH!
On another note, we had a wonderful week with my dad. He and Benny became best buds although B had to warm up to him! Hopefully he was convinced to move out here with us! We would love to have him so much!
We also had an awesome family reunion in Morro Bay! I had mentally planned this for several months, and it came and went way too fast! It was the best day of the year for me to have all of my family in one place and time again! I couldn't have asked for more! We stayed in a beautiful sea side home and had an awesome view of Morro Rock. I loved every minute of it and cried at the end of the night for my aunts and cousins not to leave! I wasn't ready for it to be over yet!
Back to the beginning of May though.. we campoed at the Oceano Dunes for Mother's Day and it was great! B did very well camping and I got to ride the dunes baby free! B did get sand in his eye and got a little infection, but it has since cleared nicely and I would definitley to the camping thing with him again!
Also, I have submitted to putting Benny in the Kids Klub at the gym each morning! I tried so hard to work out during times which B could stay with Johnny but it became too difficult. I was so nervous and still check on him several times throughout my workout, but I am getting more comfortable leaving him. This is big scary stuff for me!!! Benny seemsto like it and does very well with the caregiver and other kids! For those of you without kids, you have no idea what I am taling about and probably think I am nuts, but you just wait....!!!
Well, this is a quick wqrap up of May. I'll do better with updates in the coming months. Here are a few pictures from the recent activities! Enjoy!

What is that hat dad keeps wearing?? Hahahaha!
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