Last weekend Sasha and Jack came to visit. I love it when they come down our way and Sasha and I had an awesome time visiting with eachother- like old times. The vibe was calm, cool and drama free which is how I would much rather roll. We strolled at the beach and took a nice long walk through my neighborhood with Jack and B in strollers. It was so relaxing!
Jack is Benny's new best friend! I think he is entertained by the fact that Jack is a little person too.... instead of always being surrounded by "big" people, he could see "eye to eye"!

I totally scored a table and chairs (FINALLY!) at nonetheless, the Salvation Army and we were able to get the set back to our place with the Nevarez's truck-no stupid and ridiculous delivery fee which has kept me from committing to a big purchase lately! I am so thrifty and love love love refinishing old things and bringing them back to life! Double score!

I have since put really awesome beaded placemats and a nice coat of scratch remover on it. It is in great condition, a true sturdy piece and the wood colors match our furniture color scheme!
On to restoring things, Johnny and B were on another walk and Johnny found a trashed three panel room partition for me to refinish! The frame is in great condition, and I have wanted one of these forever, but never found myself willing to splurge ont he few hundred dollars that they cost. Cha-Ching! I ripped out the old fabric and Benny and I scampered off to JoAnn's for new fabric!
It was tedious, but I managed to rip out all of the battered old fabric...with Johnny's help of course!

One panel is done with new bright red fabric!

Benny is funally able to fit into his boots that his grandparents bought him well before he was born. He can stand and crawl in them, but I think they are still a little too heavey for him. He still has toe room so he'll have them around for a bit!

I am so happy to report that Benny has been sleeping a little better without me lately! I have been able to put him down for a nap and sneak away much more often this week. He slept a few hours in his own bed twice this week as well. This is a big accomplishment! He napped for almost two hours today by himself which afforded me time to make a yummy chinese chicken salad and clean the entire house before Johnny got home from work and we had time to sit and eat lunch without little grabs at our plates! Me, domestic? You betcha! I know how when I need to!
This week has seemed so busy that I have been especially out of touch. We took a drive to Long Beach last weekend, and I desperatly want to move there. It is a few minutes of commute for Johnny, but it is soooooo much cheaper and I think I would enjoy the people more. There is an art community where we would fit in more than this "money" community we are currently in. We are waiting until this summer before making any final decision, but my "decide-o-meter" is already at 100% MOVE!
Busy Busy times are upon us! B and I made a trip to nearly Santa Barbara yesterday, tomorrow is the much looked forward to Galaxy game, and we plan to hit up a big VW car show on Sunday! Monday B and I are heading to Pismo for a few days, and next week is eek, my 29th birthday! Whew, I should have plenty of pictures next week!
I am happy to report that the plans are nearly finalized on our family reunion, and I am so super excited that I think about it everyday!
I think this all I have to say for now. Random pieces of info, I know.
Til next....
I am so glad that you updated the blog and not me. You are way better at it than me.
What an awesome week we just had too. We do alot of random, but always fun, things. Spanks for the good times.
Cattle Guard!
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