Also, Benny is thriving in the motor skills department! He is NOT happy on his tummy or sitting down. He wants to be standing up and putting one foot in front of the other. Johnny walks him around the house all the itme and when Johnny tires, Benny gets mad! He is however learning to sit up (when we can get him to sit rather than stand) and should be on his own very shortly. I'm posting a few pics below. Read the captions along with them for further explanation.
Enjoy, friends!
Ok, I'm putting this pic up for funnsies! Johnny thought it was hilarious to put Benny in my huge purse. I guess thats what I get for carrying a small suitcase for a purse.

With a single steady finger, he sits up all on his own! He's such a little ham!

Whoa... he let go of the finger.... plop!

And this picture.... let me tell you. This is our desktop on our computer monitor (duh). I have posted this piture once before. We think it is hilarious. Well, Benny does too. We sit him on our lap n front of this picture and he cracks up! It works without fail everytime. We can only guess that he thinks it is a person making a face at him.... we know he can't possibly know it is him... or just a picture. Anyhow, it is a regular daily laugh for us so I thought I'd share!
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