This last week was quite eventful. Benny and I made our last journey to the valley for doctor appointments! It was a bittersweet moment for me, but I said goodbye to my wonderful doctor and walked out the doors... until next year! With my proper birth control in place, Benny will be our only child for the next FIVE years!!
We drove in on Wednesday and I finally went to the Hall of Records and got Benny's birth certificate. Funny how memory works... after looking at his birth cert., I still couldn't remember signing it after he was born, but my signature is there, so I must have. Blah Blah Blah... anyway, I visited with grandparents and my mom on Thursday and then had dinner with Natasha for her birthday, and finally went to Michael's to score 55% off photo frames. Ah-ha! Perfect for the portraits that we just had taken of Benny! After all of this, it was 8:30 at night, and I had decided I wanted to be home and sleeping in my own bed. Benny and I took off for LA! Benny slept the entire drive so it was perfect! I arrived home exhausted from the whirlwind trip, and thankful that I don't have to do it anymore! Now each time Benny and I make the trip, Johnny will be with us. It is such a huge relief. I hate being away from him and he relieves a lot of pressure for me!
I did however make a huge score for us. I picked up my highchair from my infantcy from my grandparents. They gave it to me! It's so excting. It is solid dark wood and in very good condition. I do need to put a new baby-holder-down strap on it and maybe a little butt cushion, but it is here now! It is so awesome that my grandmother saved everything from when us girls were little. I would love to use this high chair with Benny and later in life give it to him as a family heirloom.
During our tornado trip I heard B coughing a little bit. At first I thought it was a fake cough, but nope, he is now sick! To the doctor we will go tomorrow morning! He has been icky all weekend and has needed a lot of extra care and cuddling on top of all the extra that w are giving due to the sad story of teething. I have felt so helpless. I have put Vicks on his little chest and made the bathroom equivalent to a steam sauna and sat with him in it. Nothing is providing enough respite. So our whole weekend was spent in pajamas and watching movies- which I have no complaints about. It rained most of the weekend, so solid family time was perfect for the three of us!
Since we have been couped up this weekend, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. Why???? I don't know! I have finally met my post partum weight loss goal (which another has already been made.. I am way too hard on myself). Why did I have to make not one, but THREE dozen cookies of rather large porportions for Johnny and I? Each time I pass by them I feel the overwhelming urge to eat ANOTHER!!! I am sending them to work with Johnny tomorrow. He has a big day and hopefully the other teachers will appreciate them! If not I may be hgging the toliet and begging for respite of my own!
I slept off and on with Benny all day today (he won't sleep alone!) and I am now wide awake and blabbity babbing in this blog which you obviously find amusing or else you wouldn't have read this far! The wind is fierce outside and it sounds like vandals are attacking us, but I already double checked... it's just the wind. I keep nibbling at these damn cookies as if the pure sugar content will counteract my already existent restlessness. Hmph. I can't seem to exhibit any self control.
Another week has passed and another in front of us... I now this is off topic from my previous blogging, but I am incredibly anxious to see what Obama will do this week!
Until next time kids... here are weekly B pics. Enjoy.
Benny's new Johnny Jump Up. He digs it about 57% of the time.
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