A note from El Guapo!

Sweet relief!
I have been under a bit of stress at work for the past few months and it's finally over. The institution I teach for was undergoing an accreditation specifically for the pharmacy program. If any of you have ever gone through a process like this you know I feel. Perhaps uttering the phrase JCAHO might send shivers down your spine. During the past month or so the "suits" have been running up and down causing uncertainty and confussion amongst the staff. There have been nights where I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about it so much. The "inspectors" came today and things went exceptionally well. I worked hard and it paid off.
I want to publicly thank my kitten for all the support she gave especially when I would slump in the door after a miserable day and she would be there to lend an ear. She always knows the way to make sure I keep cool. Ere'go the cookies! Thanks.


Those cookies were bomb too. What Lins didn't mention was that she also made blueberry muffins, cornbread, and some bomb chicken parmeseano in the past week. All while caring for our sick baby. If there were a Butt-punch-award for best mom in the world I would give it to her.

We have some great things lined up in our future as a family. There are some plans that will set off immediately like buying a kitchen table and then there are some long term plans that are in process.
Our momentum is un-stop-able.

So, just thought I'd drop in and say whats up, WHATS UP!
...and look at this kid. He is getting bigger by the day. Flipping over, sitting up, weighing almost 17 lbs....amazing!