It's nearing ten o'clock on this wonderful Friday night and I want to sleep so badly. I slept a total of 4.32 hours last night. I kept waking in fear that Benjamin wasn't breathing- a little over exggerated, I know. Finally the alarm went off at 6:30 and I just got up. I don't normally wake this early, but I wanted to get all the laundry done before the weekend and trying to do anything for longer than 20 minutes which doesn't involve Benjamin on my hip is nearly impossible these days. So there I was at 6:30 doing laundry while my sweet boys slumbered peacefully. I sucked down a large coffee by 8:00 am and then another by 10:00. Yep, that ought to have kept me going. Crash and burn! At noon I was almost begging for a nap with Benny.. but I sucked it up for there were things to be done!
Since Johnny had such a sucessful week at work, all of the staff went out tonight after night class. Pft. I shouldn't change a shade of green since this is his first time out on the town without me in over a year. I however, had the pleasure of hippity hopping with my gal pals quite a few times.... even while pregnant and driving their drunk butts around. Anyway, back to Johnny being out.... he deserves it! He is actually out to appease more of the politics, but nonetheless, he should losen his tie a bit. God knows he has worked his butt off during the last month. This week proved that it didn't go unnoticed! I want him to enjoy himself although the very human and selfish part of me wishes that we had a babysitter more than just once a quarter, and I could be out with him! I don't want to be out to drink... I've nearly lost that entire desire, but more so to engage in discussion other than squeeky baby voices!
I find myself defending everything that I have just said. Let me clear this up... I do not mind spending 99% of my life doing mommy and baby things and talking in high pitch variances. It is why I have chosen not to go back to work.
Ok, so Johnny is out. I am tired. Ah-ha.... the kicker! I cannot sleep without him here! I never do! I put Benjamin to sleep on the sofa.. I closed my very very tired peepers and... nothing. I counted over 100 fat little jumping sheep.... nothing. I concentrated on my heart beat.. then Benny's.. NOTHING!!!! I am so miserably tired that I am writing this blog and hardly keeping my eyes open, but when I purposefully try to close them.. ZIIIINNGGGG.. I'm AWAKE!
On this lovely Friday night there are girls just like my old self shaking their skantily dressed booties to the sound of music which I dare not even think about or I'll never slumber, and all the while I just want to snooze. There is a whole world out there staying awake on purpose! Bah.. I curse them! Who ever would have thought?
The Cold Flu Train Rammed Into Our House
Ack Ack! We have been hit. The cold flu has reeked havoc on us this week starting with the smallest. He still isn't incredibly better and has been ptting in some much needed nap times. Johnny woke two days ago with horrid throat pain, and then this morning when I woke.. whoa nelly, I realized I had not escaped the spanking of the flu train. Johnny went into work for an hour and then came home to help me with the baby. I felt like I couldn't move this morning. Every part of my body ached. I'm feeling a bit better now but I am payig very close attention to Benjamin who has been sleeping on the sofa for nearly three consecutive hours. I wish there was something that I could do for him.
Hopefuly we will all be feeling better for this weekend. The weather is supposed to be awesome and we plan on playing some bachi ball down on the beach. We were going to run the Redondo Beach 5K on Sunday, but we haven't worked out all week and I'm not so sure that we should do anything within the realm of excercising until we are all healed up. Who knows though, we could change our minds at the last minute and decide to run.
In the meantime, back to the sofa I shall retreat. I think part of my nose fell off in the last tissue I used. Gross.
Hopefuly we will all be feeling better for this weekend. The weather is supposed to be awesome and we plan on playing some bachi ball down on the beach. We were going to run the Redondo Beach 5K on Sunday, but we haven't worked out all week and I'm not so sure that we should do anything within the realm of excercising until we are all healed up. Who knows though, we could change our minds at the last minute and decide to run.
In the meantime, back to the sofa I shall retreat. I think part of my nose fell off in the last tissue I used. Gross.
If you can laugh at nearly anything and "get it", check out this link: (cut and paste f you must)
No offense to homosexuals at all. I love all equally. This is just a freakin hee-lar-ious page. (cut and paste f you must)
No offense to homosexuals at all. I love all equally. This is just a freakin hee-lar-ious page.
The Cookies
There are FIVE cookies left. The number one repeated phrase in our house over the last twenty-four hours has been "leave the cookies alone".
My stomach hurts.
My stomach hurts.
A note from El Guapo!
Sweet relief!
I have been under a bit of stress at work for the past few months and it's finally over. The institution I teach for was undergoing an accreditation specifically for the pharmacy program. If any of you have ever gone through a process like this you know I feel. Perhaps uttering the phrase JCAHO might send shivers down your spine. During the past month or so the "suits" have been running up and down causing uncertainty and confussion amongst the staff. There have been nights where I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about it so much. The "inspectors" came today and things went exceptionally well. I worked hard and it paid off.
I want to publicly thank my kitten for all the support she gave especially when I would slump in the door after a miserable day and she would be there to lend an ear. She always knows the way to make sure I keep cool. Ere'go the cookies! Thanks.
Those cookies were bomb too. What Lins didn't mention was that she also made blueberry muffins, cornbread, and some bomb chicken parmeseano in the past week. All while caring for our sick baby. If there were a Butt-punch-award for best mom in the world I would give it to her.
We have some great things lined up in our future as a family. There are some plans that will set off immediately like buying a kitchen table and then there are some long term plans that are in process.
Our momentum is un-stop-able.
So, just thought I'd drop in and say whats up, WHATS UP!
...and look at this kid. He is getting bigger by the day. Flipping over, sitting up, weighing almost 17 lbs....amazing!
I have been under a bit of stress at work for the past few months and it's finally over. The institution I teach for was undergoing an accreditation specifically for the pharmacy program. If any of you have ever gone through a process like this you know I feel. Perhaps uttering the phrase JCAHO might send shivers down your spine. During the past month or so the "suits" have been running up and down causing uncertainty and confussion amongst the staff. There have been nights where I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about it so much. The "inspectors" came today and things went exceptionally well. I worked hard and it paid off.
I want to publicly thank my kitten for all the support she gave especially when I would slump in the door after a miserable day and she would be there to lend an ear. She always knows the way to make sure I keep cool. Ere'go the cookies! Thanks.
Those cookies were bomb too. What Lins didn't mention was that she also made blueberry muffins, cornbread, and some bomb chicken parmeseano in the past week. All while caring for our sick baby. If there were a Butt-punch-award for best mom in the world I would give it to her.
We have some great things lined up in our future as a family. There are some plans that will set off immediately like buying a kitchen table and then there are some long term plans that are in process.
Our momentum is un-stop-able.
So, just thought I'd drop in and say whats up, WHATS UP!
...and look at this kid. He is getting bigger by the day. Flipping over, sitting up, weighing almost 17 lbs....amazing!
Doctor Visit. Check.
We took Benny to the doctor this afternoon. Just as we suspected, he has a bit of a chest congestion problem. It's not severe enough to be labled as RSV, but we aren't going to see "if" that happens.
She prescribed albuterol in liquid form. I hate the idea of giving my four month old baby medication. We have a hard enough time giving tylenol and only do so when competely necessary during these difficult teething times. His little body is so pure right now and I view meds as little toxins that his body will learn to "need". I've never believed that the answer is in the cure.
But so it is. Little Benny is sleeping peacefully right now on the sofa. He is gaining much needed rest with little albuterol toxins floating around in his little body trying to do the "work" that they are supposed to do. Bleh.
I do however kinda like his new doctor. I can be so critical at times and over dinner Johnny and I discussed what the objectives of the doctor were. We also discussed what we should expect from the "know-all" of our baby's health. Geesh.. these little things that we have to think of now! I would like a friendlier bedside manner than what his new doctor presented, but I have to stop and weigh the importance. I have to admit that if I think I know what I am talking about and the doctor tells me different, I gain serious doubt in their ability to care for my child. I know this may sound ridiculous, but I know my child better than anyone in the entire world. I KNOW when his cough is a little more than an itch in his throat!
Lucky for her, I felt very confident in her presentation of knowledge. She was very direct and to the point. She did speak firmly but in a softer tone. I know this is nearly an oxymoron. She spoke clear english and in middle aged which is something I looked for prior to accepting her as his doctor. No offense to those younger doctors, but I feel more comfortable with someone who has had years in the biz, but practices current medicine. So she got a star for her age and years in practice. Geez, I sure can be discrimanatory! The only downfall was not making me feel like Benny was the only baby in the world- which every mother desires whether she admits it or not! Anyhow, Benny has a regular four month check up next week at which time I will decide if he should get his next set of shots, based on how he is feeling of course. I will let this next appointment be the determining factor of whether or not she is his permanent pediatrician. I hope she is everthing I expect next time.. I don't want to be on a pediatrician hunt.
She prescribed albuterol in liquid form. I hate the idea of giving my four month old baby medication. We have a hard enough time giving tylenol and only do so when competely necessary during these difficult teething times. His little body is so pure right now and I view meds as little toxins that his body will learn to "need". I've never believed that the answer is in the cure.
But so it is. Little Benny is sleeping peacefully right now on the sofa. He is gaining much needed rest with little albuterol toxins floating around in his little body trying to do the "work" that they are supposed to do. Bleh.
I do however kinda like his new doctor. I can be so critical at times and over dinner Johnny and I discussed what the objectives of the doctor were. We also discussed what we should expect from the "know-all" of our baby's health. Geesh.. these little things that we have to think of now! I would like a friendlier bedside manner than what his new doctor presented, but I have to stop and weigh the importance. I have to admit that if I think I know what I am talking about and the doctor tells me different, I gain serious doubt in their ability to care for my child. I know this may sound ridiculous, but I know my child better than anyone in the entire world. I KNOW when his cough is a little more than an itch in his throat!
Lucky for her, I felt very confident in her presentation of knowledge. She was very direct and to the point. She did speak firmly but in a softer tone. I know this is nearly an oxymoron. She spoke clear english and in middle aged which is something I looked for prior to accepting her as his doctor. No offense to those younger doctors, but I feel more comfortable with someone who has had years in the biz, but practices current medicine. So she got a star for her age and years in practice. Geez, I sure can be discrimanatory! The only downfall was not making me feel like Benny was the only baby in the world- which every mother desires whether she admits it or not! Anyhow, Benny has a regular four month check up next week at which time I will decide if he should get his next set of shots, based on how he is feeling of course. I will let this next appointment be the determining factor of whether or not she is his permanent pediatrician. I hope she is everthing I expect next time.. I don't want to be on a pediatrician hunt.
OMG.. I'm going to be 29!
I will celebrate my 29th birthday in three months. This may be no big deal to some of you, but to me... it is a symbol of ending 20s and beginning responsible 30s. I feel like I should have it all together during my 30s. My 20s have been a decade of trial and error and "getting to know myself" kinda times. I've set this invisable standard for myself; I should have more of myself pulled together... and now I only have a year left to do it. Where has the last decade of my life gone? I haven't decided what I want to be yet!
Having my first child at 28 worked well for me. I threw many days and nights down the drains of a multitude of bar bathrooms prior to Benjamin's conception. I moved around and visited many places and basked on many beaches. I learned what I would and would not accept from both friendships and relationships, and I tested my own personal strengths and weaknesses. Benjamin came into my life and changed everything. But I definitley appreciate both ends of this life spectrum! Anyhow, now that 30 is nearing, I feel like I have more weight on my shoulders to decide when or if I will have another child. Do you understand how incredibly heavy this is? If I was 21, I would have all the time in the world. At 30... not so much! Biologically I have more time than I do mentally. I'm not so fond of the idea of chasing toddlers at 40! This equates to enforcing my decision making power and making a powerful decision. I know that I don't have to stand concrete right now, and I know that at any time I can change my mind, but the thought of having to seriously think about these things is heavy on me! Now all of this may sound comical to some of you and I'm sure when I turn 30 I will look back at this blog and find a bit of comedy in it myself. But for now.. whoa, I have one more year to be non-chalant and well, 20 something. Eek!
Having my first child at 28 worked well for me. I threw many days and nights down the drains of a multitude of bar bathrooms prior to Benjamin's conception. I moved around and visited many places and basked on many beaches. I learned what I would and would not accept from both friendships and relationships, and I tested my own personal strengths and weaknesses. Benjamin came into my life and changed everything. But I definitley appreciate both ends of this life spectrum! Anyhow, now that 30 is nearing, I feel like I have more weight on my shoulders to decide when or if I will have another child. Do you understand how incredibly heavy this is? If I was 21, I would have all the time in the world. At 30... not so much! Biologically I have more time than I do mentally. I'm not so fond of the idea of chasing toddlers at 40! This equates to enforcing my decision making power and making a powerful decision. I know that I don't have to stand concrete right now, and I know that at any time I can change my mind, but the thought of having to seriously think about these things is heavy on me! Now all of this may sound comical to some of you and I'm sure when I turn 30 I will look back at this blog and find a bit of comedy in it myself. But for now.. whoa, I have one more year to be non-chalant and well, 20 something. Eek!
3 Dozen Cookies Sitting In Front Of Me!
Whew, once again, it's late. I was laying in bed tossing and turning and trying not to disturb the sleeping baby (Benjamin) who was laying next to me, so I decided to just get up. I realized I haven't blogged this week, and lately I haven't really been feeling like blogging at all. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say, then I remember to quit excluding myself from the rest of the world. So here I am at midnight.. blogging.
This last week was quite eventful. Benny and I made our last journey to the valley for doctor appointments! It was a bittersweet moment for me, but I said goodbye to my wonderful doctor and walked out the doors... until next year! With my proper birth control in place, Benny will be our only child for the next FIVE years!!
We drove in on Wednesday and I finally went to the Hall of Records and got Benny's birth certificate. Funny how memory works... after looking at his birth cert., I still couldn't remember signing it after he was born, but my signature is there, so I must have. Blah Blah Blah... anyway, I visited with grandparents and my mom on Thursday and then had dinner with Natasha for her birthday, and finally went to Michael's to score 55% off photo frames. Ah-ha! Perfect for the portraits that we just had taken of Benny! After all of this, it was 8:30 at night, and I had decided I wanted to be home and sleeping in my own bed. Benny and I took off for LA! Benny slept the entire drive so it was perfect! I arrived home exhausted from the whirlwind trip, and thankful that I don't have to do it anymore! Now each time Benny and I make the trip, Johnny will be with us. It is such a huge relief. I hate being away from him and he relieves a lot of pressure for me!
I did however make a huge score for us. I picked up my highchair from my infantcy from my grandparents. They gave it to me! It's so excting. It is solid dark wood and in very good condition. I do need to put a new baby-holder-down strap on it and maybe a little butt cushion, but it is here now! It is so awesome that my grandmother saved everything from when us girls were little. I would love to use this high chair with Benny and later in life give it to him as a family heirloom.
During our tornado trip I heard B coughing a little bit. At first I thought it was a fake cough, but nope, he is now sick! To the doctor we will go tomorrow morning! He has been icky all weekend and has needed a lot of extra care and cuddling on top of all the extra that w are giving due to the sad story of teething. I have felt so helpless. I have put Vicks on his little chest and made the bathroom equivalent to a steam sauna and sat with him in it. Nothing is providing enough respite. So our whole weekend was spent in pajamas and watching movies- which I have no complaints about. It rained most of the weekend, so solid family time was perfect for the three of us!
Since we have been couped up this weekend, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. Why???? I don't know! I have finally met my post partum weight loss goal (which another has already been made.. I am way too hard on myself). Why did I have to make not one, but THREE dozen cookies of rather large porportions for Johnny and I? Each time I pass by them I feel the overwhelming urge to eat ANOTHER!!! I am sending them to work with Johnny tomorrow. He has a big day and hopefully the other teachers will appreciate them! If not I may be hgging the toliet and begging for respite of my own!
I slept off and on with Benny all day today (he won't sleep alone!) and I am now wide awake and blabbity babbing in this blog which you obviously find amusing or else you wouldn't have read this far! The wind is fierce outside and it sounds like vandals are attacking us, but I already double checked... it's just the wind. I keep nibbling at these damn cookies as if the pure sugar content will counteract my already existent restlessness. Hmph. I can't seem to exhibit any self control.
Another week has passed and another in front of us... I now this is off topic from my previous blogging, but I am incredibly anxious to see what Obama will do this week!
Until next time kids... here are weekly B pics. Enjoy.
This last week was quite eventful. Benny and I made our last journey to the valley for doctor appointments! It was a bittersweet moment for me, but I said goodbye to my wonderful doctor and walked out the doors... until next year! With my proper birth control in place, Benny will be our only child for the next FIVE years!!
We drove in on Wednesday and I finally went to the Hall of Records and got Benny's birth certificate. Funny how memory works... after looking at his birth cert., I still couldn't remember signing it after he was born, but my signature is there, so I must have. Blah Blah Blah... anyway, I visited with grandparents and my mom on Thursday and then had dinner with Natasha for her birthday, and finally went to Michael's to score 55% off photo frames. Ah-ha! Perfect for the portraits that we just had taken of Benny! After all of this, it was 8:30 at night, and I had decided I wanted to be home and sleeping in my own bed. Benny and I took off for LA! Benny slept the entire drive so it was perfect! I arrived home exhausted from the whirlwind trip, and thankful that I don't have to do it anymore! Now each time Benny and I make the trip, Johnny will be with us. It is such a huge relief. I hate being away from him and he relieves a lot of pressure for me!
I did however make a huge score for us. I picked up my highchair from my infantcy from my grandparents. They gave it to me! It's so excting. It is solid dark wood and in very good condition. I do need to put a new baby-holder-down strap on it and maybe a little butt cushion, but it is here now! It is so awesome that my grandmother saved everything from when us girls were little. I would love to use this high chair with Benny and later in life give it to him as a family heirloom.
During our tornado trip I heard B coughing a little bit. At first I thought it was a fake cough, but nope, he is now sick! To the doctor we will go tomorrow morning! He has been icky all weekend and has needed a lot of extra care and cuddling on top of all the extra that w are giving due to the sad story of teething. I have felt so helpless. I have put Vicks on his little chest and made the bathroom equivalent to a steam sauna and sat with him in it. Nothing is providing enough respite. So our whole weekend was spent in pajamas and watching movies- which I have no complaints about. It rained most of the weekend, so solid family time was perfect for the three of us!
Since we have been couped up this weekend, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. Why???? I don't know! I have finally met my post partum weight loss goal (which another has already been made.. I am way too hard on myself). Why did I have to make not one, but THREE dozen cookies of rather large porportions for Johnny and I? Each time I pass by them I feel the overwhelming urge to eat ANOTHER!!! I am sending them to work with Johnny tomorrow. He has a big day and hopefully the other teachers will appreciate them! If not I may be hgging the toliet and begging for respite of my own!
I slept off and on with Benny all day today (he won't sleep alone!) and I am now wide awake and blabbity babbing in this blog which you obviously find amusing or else you wouldn't have read this far! The wind is fierce outside and it sounds like vandals are attacking us, but I already double checked... it's just the wind. I keep nibbling at these damn cookies as if the pure sugar content will counteract my already existent restlessness. Hmph. I can't seem to exhibit any self control.
Another week has passed and another in front of us... I now this is off topic from my previous blogging, but I am incredibly anxious to see what Obama will do this week!
Until next time kids... here are weekly B pics. Enjoy.
Benny's new Johnny Jump Up. He digs it about 57% of the time.
Long Weekends Are My Favorite
We had an incredibly enjoyable long weekend filled with company! Sasha, Jerome and the kids came down last Thursday and spent the long weekend with us. They enjoyed a family trip to Universal Studios on Friday, and we all hung out the rest of the weekend. We spent time at the beach (the weather has been PERFECT!), went to the San Pedro fish market, Santa Monica, and Sasha and I even got a night out without kids! Johnny had today off of work as well so we enjoyed a Thai food dinner (not the best Thai, but it got me over my craving) and relaxed for the evening.
We rarely have company, but when we do, we always have a wonderful time. I love catering to company and even though our place is small for all of us, we made do and enjoyed eachother's company. Benny wasn't sure what to make of all of the new sounds of people in our home, and didn't nap a whole lot, but he still remained in good spirits! On Saturday he only napped for 1 1/2 hours and didn't get fussy. I was suprised, but he slept nearly all day today after the house became quiet from visitors. I think he needed to recouperate from al the excitement!
The next upcoming weeks are going to be quiteeventful for us, and I am so excited!
Of course, pictures are below... Enjoy!

We rarely have company, but when we do, we always have a wonderful time. I love catering to company and even though our place is small for all of us, we made do and enjoyed eachother's company. Benny wasn't sure what to make of all of the new sounds of people in our home, and didn't nap a whole lot, but he still remained in good spirits! On Saturday he only napped for 1 1/2 hours and didn't get fussy. I was suprised, but he slept nearly all day today after the house became quiet from visitors. I think he needed to recouperate from al the excitement!
The next upcoming weeks are going to be quiteeventful for us, and I am so excited!
Of course, pictures are below... Enjoy!

Bittersweet Endings
We finally got Benny's crib and put it together (Thanks Jerome!) this weekend. It looks so nice and inviting if we can get Benny to actually sleep in it! I am excited by the prospect, but I know it will take some trial and error to get him to sleep without me. I am going to keep trying! That wasn't the point of this blog though. The point is, since his crib is put together, there is no need for his cradle anymore. There really hasn't been a need for it lately since he hasn't slept in it in quite some time, but I have kept it placed securely next to my side of the bed in the event that a miracle took place on Rockefeller Lane (our house) and Benny decided to sleep in it! Anyway (it's late and I'm tired so I'm trailing off!) after our company left this morning, Johnny and I went to town cleaning our place up and I headed for the closet to make room for.... yep, Benny's cradle. Our room is too small for both cradle and crib, so I asked Johnny to dismantle it and up in the closet it would go!
The point of this blog: I walked into the living room and saw the little wooden cradle taken apart, and I had to hold back my tears. This scene screamed that Benny is growing so fast. Becoming nostalgic with every passing second that I stood in front of the brokendown cradle, I retreated to the bedroom and folded all of his little baby clothes that no longer fit- like the ones that he wore in the hospital. I know that every day is a gift with our little one and I am so glad that I have had in my life for 4 months now! Yes, he just turned FOUR months on Saturday! But at the same time, I am sad by how fast time is flying by. It won't be long before Benny is standing in his crib!
So the little cradle is all packed up and who knows when or if it will be used again. I guess that is a part that shook my insides as well. I have been struggling with the idea of whether or not we are supposed to have more children, and if so, when? The thought of never using the sweet little cradle again means not having a little tiny newborn again.
So today was bittersweet by the fact that yes, the cradle is no longer needed, and time is moving so fast, but sweetened by the start of a new chapter. I'm always excited to see what new things Benny can do each day, and I study him so closely since we spend so much time together. It often isn't until I look back that I see how much he really has grown!
I'm guessing that these little moments of what may seem so minescule and irrelevant to others will continue to fill my life in a huge way now that I am a mom.... everything regarding my little darling seems like such a big deal!
The point of this blog: I walked into the living room and saw the little wooden cradle taken apart, and I had to hold back my tears. This scene screamed that Benny is growing so fast. Becoming nostalgic with every passing second that I stood in front of the brokendown cradle, I retreated to the bedroom and folded all of his little baby clothes that no longer fit- like the ones that he wore in the hospital. I know that every day is a gift with our little one and I am so glad that I have had in my life for 4 months now! Yes, he just turned FOUR months on Saturday! But at the same time, I am sad by how fast time is flying by. It won't be long before Benny is standing in his crib!
So the little cradle is all packed up and who knows when or if it will be used again. I guess that is a part that shook my insides as well. I have been struggling with the idea of whether or not we are supposed to have more children, and if so, when? The thought of never using the sweet little cradle again means not having a little tiny newborn again.
So today was bittersweet by the fact that yes, the cradle is no longer needed, and time is moving so fast, but sweetened by the start of a new chapter. I'm always excited to see what new things Benny can do each day, and I study him so closely since we spend so much time together. It often isn't until I look back that I see how much he really has grown!
I'm guessing that these little moments of what may seem so minescule and irrelevant to others will continue to fill my life in a huge way now that I am a mom.... everything regarding my little darling seems like such a big deal!
Thanks Nicole.. but now what do I do?
Nicole mentioned that she wears her daughter on her back during household chores. After returning from the beach, Benny was tired and Johnny and I were hungry. Benny was crying without yield. His only nap since 9:00 AM was for 30 minutes while on the beach. As I mentioned in previous blog, B has not been sleeping without me and he is teething. Ahhh what a wreck! He would not let Johnny comfort him and just wanted me to hold him. While in certain situations I might have used this fact to jokingly poke fun at Johnny, this was not the time. So in an emergency situation what did I do? I rembered Nicole's advice and I tied Benjamin to my back. I have a wrap which can be tied so many ways that I can't remember them all and I certainly dont' remember the "baby on the back" tie. Why would I remember something like that during my moment of needing it most? So I just fashioned him back there with Johnny's help. And do ya know what? He stopped crying and within minutes was fast asleep with his head crooked. I feared he would get a little baby kink in his little baby neck. What was I to do? Dinner was still not ready. We decided to take him off of my back and lay him down. He was so tired that he didn't wake while being removed from this strange tie up. We put him in our bed and ...dum dum dum... he woke up 45 minutes later... just as I was starting to eat my dinner. Hmmmppphhh. I guess I can't have it all.

To Ze Beach!
Yesterday's sunshine put us in the mood for quality beach time! We headed out this afternoon armed with sunscreen and beach ready attitudes. The beach was full of people who were enjoying the gorgeous weather just as we were. We lotioned Benny up (i love that smell) and set up our little camp and enjoyed the afternoon. I almost couldn't ask for more.
Benny didn't care for the water so much today, but he did manage to take a nap on the beach! The sounds of the waves lulled him into sleep. The visability was perfect again today and the outside air was 80 degrees! I loved the weather during the spring, winter and fall times in Florida, but the summers were nearly unbearable with the air conditioner never getting a break. Southern California weather beats Florida by nearly always being beach weather! No hot summers to deal with! Beach going has been mine and Johnny's favorite pastime. I don't know if we could ever live away from the beach. Each and every single time I get a glimpse of the ocean, even just for a split second while on my way to the store, I am in awe.
Below are a few pics.... I HAVE to share as always! Enjoy!

Benny didn't care for the water so much today, but he did manage to take a nap on the beach! The sounds of the waves lulled him into sleep. The visability was perfect again today and the outside air was 80 degrees! I loved the weather during the spring, winter and fall times in Florida, but the summers were nearly unbearable with the air conditioner never getting a break. Southern California weather beats Florida by nearly always being beach weather! No hot summers to deal with! Beach going has been mine and Johnny's favorite pastime. I don't know if we could ever live away from the beach. Each and every single time I get a glimpse of the ocean, even just for a split second while on my way to the store, I am in awe.
Below are a few pics.... I HAVE to share as always! Enjoy!
Beach ready Benny!

I love Johnny's photo style. B and I were catching some rays!
A Little Sand Between Our Toes
We decided to take our daily walk at the beach today. The weather was a gorgeous 75 degrees and Hermosa Beach (below) is ony TWO miles from our house! We normally walk the hills of our neighborhood but the beach sounded delicious today....take a look below!

So we parked our car in the FREE public parking which is a bit of a walk from the beach, but walking was our purpose anyway. I hate the expensive parking rates of Hermosa Beach! Anyway, we walked down to Hermosa Pier and began our workout. Benny as riding peacefully in his stroller with his socks off! We just kep walking without a particular distane or destination in mind and before we knew it, we were at Manhattan Beach Pier.
Since the weather was so nice, we couldn't resist going down to the water and getting our feet wet. This was Benny's first time ever touching the ocean waters! We put his feet in the sand and he began digging his toes in. I took him out to the water (which was still too cold for swimming) and I put his little feetsies in! It didn't phase him one bit!
We decided to walk back to Hermosa Pier on the sand and take our time. Whew, it was a work out. Benny hadn't napped much at all and was fussing so we had to stop every few minutes to appease the teething boy! Eventually we just carried him in our arms to keep him from screaming! We were beat dead when we finally arrived back at our car. How far had we actually walked? I guessed the piers were about 1 mile apart since we could see each pier from the other today (the visability was perfect). When we arrived home and measured the distance via google, our total distance measured in at a whopping 4.5 miles! Little did we know that just by parking our car away from the water and avoiding parking charges we would gain another mile under our belt!
Below are some fun pics...enjoy!

So we parked our car in the FREE public parking which is a bit of a walk from the beach, but walking was our purpose anyway. I hate the expensive parking rates of Hermosa Beach! Anyway, we walked down to Hermosa Pier and began our workout. Benny as riding peacefully in his stroller with his socks off! We just kep walking without a particular distane or destination in mind and before we knew it, we were at Manhattan Beach Pier.
Since the weather was so nice, we couldn't resist going down to the water and getting our feet wet. This was Benny's first time ever touching the ocean waters! We put his feet in the sand and he began digging his toes in. I took him out to the water (which was still too cold for swimming) and I put his little feetsies in! It didn't phase him one bit!
We decided to walk back to Hermosa Pier on the sand and take our time. Whew, it was a work out. Benny hadn't napped much at all and was fussing so we had to stop every few minutes to appease the teething boy! Eventually we just carried him in our arms to keep him from screaming! We were beat dead when we finally arrived back at our car. How far had we actually walked? I guessed the piers were about 1 mile apart since we could see each pier from the other today (the visability was perfect). When we arrived home and measured the distance via google, our total distance measured in at a whopping 4.5 miles! Little did we know that just by parking our car away from the water and avoiding parking charges we would gain another mile under our belt!
Below are some fun pics...enjoy!
A little sand between our toes!
Did I set myself up for failure?
I didn't know at the time that I would be doing myself a huge disservice when I let Benjamin sleep with us. When we stayed at Johnny's mom's house during the holidays, Benjamin slept in bed with Johnny and I. No big deal right? He always sleeps with us when we stay at Johnny's mom's house. Boy oh boy I was wrong! Did I unknowingly set us up for falure by letting him sleep with us for a week?
Our old routine (pre Christmas) was to bathe at 8:00 PM, nurse around 8:30ish and fast alseep by 9-9:30ish. Once he was alseep in my arms I would transplant him into his cradle and then check on him every half hour or so. No problems. He would wake around 1 or 2 AM to nurse and most of the time if I stayed awake while nursing I would put him back in his bed until 6ish and then move him into bed with us. It worked out nicely and had taken me awhile to get him into this routine.
Well, while we were on vacation we left Benny with Johnny's mom for an evening and she could not get him to stay asleep. She fought with him for several hours and finally when we came home both Benny and Melody were sleeping in our bed. She said that she got B to sleep but he kept waking so she brought him into where we slept so he could smell us in the bedding and viola! He slept fine!
Now the story goes as this: I cannot get this little boy to sleep in his bed or anywhere else without me for that matter now. He bathes at 8:00, nurses at 8:30ish and drifts off to sleep just fine. I get up to transplant him in his bed and wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. He is awake and wailing. I move him to our bed and ta-da... yep, he sleeps-he sleeps long enough for me to get ready for bed and then he is happy as a lark! Naps... oh naps.. he will not sleep longer than 30 or 45 minutes unless he is sleeping on me or right next to me.
His night time sleeping bothers me a little because I never really sleep for fear of one of us rolling over on him and Johnny hangs onto the very edge of the bed most of the night while Benny and I take up most of the space ( we are getting a new BIG bed!)...but for the most part I enjoy cuddling with him and when I wake up in the morning he is usually staring me in the face with a smile. I love those little moments. But this nap time stuff has got to change.. pronto! This kid has got to nap without me so that I can accomplish things around the house without feeling guilty for putting him in his bouncer while I work! And, naps are the only time that Johnny and I are alone... and all parents need alone time! I cater to his teething and give in when he wants to nurse for an hour which is mostly comfort sucking. I feel like he needs the comfort during the "rough time" in his life but I wish that he could sleep on his own.
I am currently taking suggestions!!!!! I don't know what to do!
Our old routine (pre Christmas) was to bathe at 8:00 PM, nurse around 8:30ish and fast alseep by 9-9:30ish. Once he was alseep in my arms I would transplant him into his cradle and then check on him every half hour or so. No problems. He would wake around 1 or 2 AM to nurse and most of the time if I stayed awake while nursing I would put him back in his bed until 6ish and then move him into bed with us. It worked out nicely and had taken me awhile to get him into this routine.
Well, while we were on vacation we left Benny with Johnny's mom for an evening and she could not get him to stay asleep. She fought with him for several hours and finally when we came home both Benny and Melody were sleeping in our bed. She said that she got B to sleep but he kept waking so she brought him into where we slept so he could smell us in the bedding and viola! He slept fine!
Now the story goes as this: I cannot get this little boy to sleep in his bed or anywhere else without me for that matter now. He bathes at 8:00, nurses at 8:30ish and drifts off to sleep just fine. I get up to transplant him in his bed and wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. He is awake and wailing. I move him to our bed and ta-da... yep, he sleeps-he sleeps long enough for me to get ready for bed and then he is happy as a lark! Naps... oh naps.. he will not sleep longer than 30 or 45 minutes unless he is sleeping on me or right next to me.
His night time sleeping bothers me a little because I never really sleep for fear of one of us rolling over on him and Johnny hangs onto the very edge of the bed most of the night while Benny and I take up most of the space ( we are getting a new BIG bed!)...but for the most part I enjoy cuddling with him and when I wake up in the morning he is usually staring me in the face with a smile. I love those little moments. But this nap time stuff has got to change.. pronto! This kid has got to nap without me so that I can accomplish things around the house without feeling guilty for putting him in his bouncer while I work! And, naps are the only time that Johnny and I are alone... and all parents need alone time! I cater to his teething and give in when he wants to nurse for an hour which is mostly comfort sucking. I feel like he needs the comfort during the "rough time" in his life but I wish that he could sleep on his own.
I am currently taking suggestions!!!!! I don't know what to do!
Whew.. Nobody said teething was easy!
A few weeks ago Benny started fussing. He is normally a very peaceful baby (I am soo lucky!). Hands to the mouth began, abnormal bowel movements and yep, saliva. Saliva everywhere! Now, he is a regular tylenol user along with being on the verge of becoming a habitual oralgel addict! We can't get through a day without either of those. He is certainly chomp happy and is so miserable that Johnny and I have to take turns soothing him. I can't wait for these teeth to come in, but they are definitely taking their time!
Also, Benny is thriving in the motor skills department! He is NOT happy on his tummy or sitting down. He wants to be standing up and putting one foot in front of the other. Johnny walks him around the house all the itme and when Johnny tires, Benny gets mad! He is however learning to sit up (when we can get him to sit rather than stand) and should be on his own very shortly. I'm posting a few pics below. Read the captions along with them for further explanation.
Enjoy, friends!

And this picture.... let me tell you. This is our desktop on our computer monitor (duh). I have posted this piture once before. We think it is hilarious. Well, Benny does too. We sit him on our lap n front of this picture and he cracks up! It works without fail everytime. We can only guess that he thinks it is a person making a face at him.... we know he can't possibly know it is him... or just a picture. Anyhow, it is a regular daily laugh for us so I thought I'd share!
Also, Benny is thriving in the motor skills department! He is NOT happy on his tummy or sitting down. He wants to be standing up and putting one foot in front of the other. Johnny walks him around the house all the itme and when Johnny tires, Benny gets mad! He is however learning to sit up (when we can get him to sit rather than stand) and should be on his own very shortly. I'm posting a few pics below. Read the captions along with them for further explanation.
Enjoy, friends!
Ok, I'm putting this pic up for funnsies! Johnny thought it was hilarious to put Benny in my huge purse. I guess thats what I get for carrying a small suitcase for a purse.

With a single steady finger, he sits up all on his own! He's such a little ham!

Whoa... he let go of the finger.... plop!

And this picture.... let me tell you. This is our desktop on our computer monitor (duh). I have posted this piture once before. We think it is hilarious. Well, Benny does too. We sit him on our lap n front of this picture and he cracks up! It works without fail everytime. We can only guess that he thinks it is a person making a face at him.... we know he can't possibly know it is him... or just a picture. Anyhow, it is a regular daily laugh for us so I thought I'd share!
We've saved over $1200.00 in the last year!!
We are definitley tooting our own horns today as we celebrate 1 YEAR SMOKE FREE!!! When we add up about what we used to smoke, the cost ois over $1200.00 buckaroos a year!
This is one of my most precious accomplishments! Some of you may say that I was helped out by being pregnant and to you I say.. you are right! But Benjamin was born in September and I haven't picked up a single cigarette yet! It has been the single most difficult thing to overcome in my life! And I am so proud to say that I did it! And Johnny too.
Only a regular smoker knows what I am talking about when I say that it was one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Everyday the thought of having a smoke enters my mind and I have to force myself to deny the urge. Today is a celebratory day!
And to celebrate in a healthy way, Johnny and I took a three mile walk up and down hills.
I never thought I would actually see this day, but it is here and I am so happy!

This is one of my most precious accomplishments! Some of you may say that I was helped out by being pregnant and to you I say.. you are right! But Benjamin was born in September and I haven't picked up a single cigarette yet! It has been the single most difficult thing to overcome in my life! And I am so proud to say that I did it! And Johnny too.
Only a regular smoker knows what I am talking about when I say that it was one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Everyday the thought of having a smoke enters my mind and I have to force myself to deny the urge. Today is a celebratory day!
And to celebrate in a healthy way, Johnny and I took a three mile walk up and down hills.
I never thought I would actually see this day, but it is here and I am so happy!

Ahhh.. Snow!
We took a trip up to the snow after Christmas. We were headed for Sequoia, but we were stopped by the frozen road and we didn't have chains so we decided to stop at Snowline Lodge. For those of you who don't know, Snowline Lodge is at approx 5500 ft elevation. We had a good time.

Grandma wore Benny in her coat!
