The last few days (uhem..week) life has been on the right hand side of the stress-o-meter. Between telling people to eff off and settling back down from all the vacationing and running around, my personal bitch meter has been running pretty high as well. This has left me drained. DRAINED I tell you. Drained to the point that I didn't unpack my weekend bag until yesterday, and we got back home from the shit valley on Sunday evening. If know anything about me, it is that I always unpack the very next day. I can't stand to have bags of packed stuff lying around our 100 square foot of living space (okay,it isn't that small but it sure feels like it sometimes.) Anyhoo, the point is that I have been drained and hav ewanted nothing more than to just sleep for an entire week straight. Unfortunately for me, my boobs are still needed every few hours for greedy little B, and no sleepy for me until he says so. What a babe, right?
Well I am not the only person in this 100 square foot living space that has been drained either. Johnny has been dragging his little hi-ney as well. He's struggled to get to work and makeit through the day since Tuesday. So as he never does, he called out of his night class last night. He needed it as bad as I did. We parked our butts on the sofa and called it a night. We cuddled. Ahhh... After a 10 day trip to Never Never Land and a weekend in hell (yes, new name) it dawned on me that we really had not cuddled in like 53days. How has this guy stayed with me for 53 days and been cuddle-less? Ok, I'm kidding, it hasn't been 53 days but it feels like it.
B was quite a confused little feller. Why in the world is dad home? Why in the hell are mom and dad cuddling? I know, a lot to take for a kid who is creeping up on his first birthday. Then this morning Johnny continued sleeping past the alarm. the weekend here already? B woke us up as he usually does with a big good morning slap to the face. I suppose I deserve it after selflessly nursing the guy on demand all night long and holding him closely so he is soothed. Yes, I do not let anybody in this house forget that I do ALL the night parenting....well, for reasons which are obvious, but STILL....
So back to this cuddling biz. Not only was I so super lucky to get some cuddle action last night, Johnny took B out of bed this morning and let me sleep in after his rude slap awakening. What a pal! I woke a bit later to find breakfast. Of course he was feeling like crappies, but his dedication did not waver (or was he just super hungry and had leftovers from his own cooked breakfast? I'll never know). Yep, I have one hell of a guy.
Now time is counting down, and he will shortly have to go back to work to teach his night class which I support if he says I have to. I'd rather he take a few more hours to rest so he can be fully charged for the weekend (yep, I'm a selfish bitch and would rather that he was home than working). I guess I should just be happy that we cuddled.
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