So in the last month we have done a lot! B and I took a much needed trip to Colorado (hence the below Colorado pics), we camped at Oceano, are starting a new semester of school (yah, I know...shoosh), and B found his "dingy"! We have decided to call it a dingy because that is what the kids that B hangs with call it, and I'd hate for him to be any different. You know kids have crazy conversations like that..."Owww.. he kicked me in the nards.." B-"What in the world are NARDS????" Not that it matters that much in the big scheme of life adventures, but we would like to be uniform and call it what the others call it! So there. Anyway, he found it and hasn't forgotten it, which as far as I understand about men, he never will forget it. His nearly year of innocence came to an end!
Colorado was amazing and I found a little bit of my heart calling it home. Yeah, we are tossing around the idea of moving but we have a lot of tossing still yet to do sonce school seems like a never ending uphill in the snow with only one shoe for 7.3 miles kinda deal. My little Ronan nephew pulled my heartstrings and Benny pulled the cats tails. My sister and I got reconnected and she cooked my fat ass some good eats. It was delightful.
Also in the month of July I decided in my most impulsive fashion that I would cut off my hair. To everyone's suprise, I haven't complained about it once. I actually love the second guessing "is she a lesbian? Wait, she has a baby" "Lesbians can have babys" "But she's with a man"...kinda converstaions that I know people are having behind my back. The truth of the whole hair cutting matter is that I don't want to deal with crap that consumes way too much of my time and prevents me from jumping in pools of water freely for fear of the hair do. I couldn't be happier with my lesbian look a like coif.
Ilove it although the two of us may easily be confused at a cas-jeans and pilsner kinda dinner!
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