Shhhhh Ze Bebes Are Seepin

I walked in from a quick trip to the bed and market and I found my little dumpling sound asleep next to Papa Bear. Did Papa Bear put whiskey in Baby Bear's poridge? I'm positively certain that he didn't miraculously grow a boob during my outing. How did he do this?

I'll let them sleep it off for awhile.....

 I almost have no words for this. Nothing does it justice.  Send me your captions.

Holy Fire Batman, I think we Might Be In Hell

My friend Denise occasionally told me that I was going to hell, but I always thought she would be there too driving the waterless fire truck.  I know, that sounds crude, but it's all in good fun!  Well, to my suprise, she is not here andn there are some major fires burning. Does this mean we aren't in hell?

We stayed up way too late last night and saw on the news that the closest fire to us is only like 10-15 miles away, if that.  Of course, being as investigative (fancy word for nosey I do suppose) as we are, we loaded bare back Benny up in the back seat of the car at 11:30 and set out for a glipse of hell.  Yeah, the term rubber necker doesn't do justice I suppose.  Actually, I would have loved to catch a few pictures but half way to a good look out point Johnny reminded me that I didn't even bring the camera-I'm never without the damn thing unless I need it for a specific purpose.  Now, I know better than to get int he way of emergency officials, so I wasn't dumb enough to actually drive to the fire albeit Johnny's suggestion.  We got to the top of the hill near our house and could see all the helicopters flying and the glow of the firey gates of hell.  Scary.

Allow me to rewind.  Yesterday morning when I fiinnaallly woke up (checking to see if you have been reading), I smelled a campfire.  Mmmmmm.. campfire!  Wait a second.. campfire in RB?  Then the smell just became annoying.  The temperature outside said HELL and there was no wind.  Boobs McGee (the weather girl) on KCal9 said there was an air quailty problem. Duh. A few smart ass thoughts ran through my head but I am trying to be a better person so I did not actually say them out loud although if I could get away with the torretts excuse, I'm not above using it.  So the air quality was shitty.  This equates to: Keep your babies and grandparents indoors.  Your sick athsmatic little sisters too.  My immediate reaction was 'yay.. another lazy day for mama'.  I did however commit myself later in the day to a park morning for today.  I thought maybe the air would be better and my poor darling of a babe could use some social time with other people and children besides his crazy mama.   But ehhh.....KstupidCal9 reported Hell's closest opening in Palos Verdes and I gotta rush of campfire in my nostrils again.  I though it would be a wise good mommy move to keep the babe inside again so late last night after our outing to spot hell, I backed out of the park deal.  Okay, it is half and half reasons.  I knew I wouldn't be ready to get out of bed early enough this morning and of course the air quality. 

When I rose this morning (no, not from hell), I looked outside and took a deep breath and...nothing.  There was no campfire smell or evidence that hell is around the corner from me.  All of the fires are still burning.  I do have compassion.  Actually I have a lot of compassion and I do sincerely hope that the damage is minimal...I am not entirely mean all the time. So, we really could have gone to the park.  Now the excuse lays completely on me and my laziness.  This is what I get for looking out.  So currently while the other children are wrapping up their park time, my poor babe is hiding behind the rocking chair reading a book.  He needs friends.

I Love It When We Cuddle

The last few days (uhem..week) life has been on the right hand side of the stress-o-meter.  Between telling people to eff off and settling back down from all the vacationing and running around, my personal bitch meter has been running pretty high as well.  This has left me drained.  DRAINED I tell you.  Drained to the point that I didn't unpack my weekend bag until yesterday, and we got back home from the shit valley on Sunday evening.  If know anything about me, it is that I always unpack the very next day.  I can't stand to have bags of packed stuff lying around our 100 square foot of living space (okay,it isn't that small but it sure feels like it sometimes.)  Anyhoo, the point is that I have been drained and hav ewanted nothing more than to just sleep for an entire week straight. Unfortunately for me, my boobs are still needed every few hours for greedy little B, and no sleepy for me until he says so.  What a babe, right?

Well I am not the only person in this 100 square foot living space that has been drained either.  Johnny has been dragging his little hi-ney as well.  He's struggled to get to work and makeit through the day since Tuesday.  So as he never does, he called out of his night class last night.  He needed it as bad as I did.  We parked our butts on the sofa and called it a night.  We cuddled.  Ahhh... After a 10 day trip to Never Never Land and a weekend in hell (yes, new name) it dawned on me that we really had not cuddled in like 53days. How has this guy stayed with me for 53 days and been cuddle-less? Ok, I'm kidding, it hasn't been 53 days but it feels like it.

B was quite a confused little feller.  Why in the world is dad home?  Why in the hell are mom and dad cuddling?  I know, a lot to take for a kid who is creeping up on his first birthday.  Then this morning Johnny continued sleeping past the alarm. the weekend here already?  B woke us up as he usually does with a big good morning slap to the face. I suppose I deserve it after selflessly nursing the guy on demand all night long and holding him closely so he is soothed. Yes, I do not let anybody in this house forget that I do ALL the night parenting....well, for reasons which are obvious, but STILL....

So back to this cuddling biz.  Not only was I so super lucky to get some cuddle action last night, Johnny took B out of bed this morning and let me sleep in after his rude slap awakening.  What a pal!  I woke a bit later to find breakfast.  Of course he was feeling like crappies, but his dedication did not waver (or was he just super hungry and had leftovers from his own cooked breakfast? I'll never know).  Yep, I have one hell of a guy. 

Now time is counting down, and he will shortly have to go back to work to teach his night class which I support if he says I have to.  I'd rather he take a few more hours to rest so he can be fully charged for the weekend (yep, I'm a selfish bitch and would rather that he was home than working).  I guess I should just be happy that we cuddled.

Allow Me To Catch You Up

Now that I am back, I may be a sore in your side, but I promnise I won't send you a jabazillion emails telling you everyday that I have posted something.  I will allow you to come and go at your own free will although I'd much rather keep you all captive prisoners!

So in the last month we have done a lot!  B and I took a much needed trip to Colorado (hence the below Colorado pics), we camped at Oceano, are starting a new semester of school (yah, I know...shoosh), and B found his "dingy"!  We have decided to call it a dingy because that is what the kids that B hangs with call it, and I'd hate for him to be any different.  You know kids have crazy conversations like that..."Owww.. he kicked me in the nards.." B-"What in the world are NARDS????"  Not that it matters that much in the big scheme of life adventures, but we would like to be uniform and call it what the others call it!  So there.  Anyway, he found it and hasn't forgotten it, which as far as I understand about men, he never will forget it.  His nearly year of innocence came to an end!

Colorado was amazing and I found a little bit of my heart calling it home.  Yeah, we are tossing around the idea of moving but we have a lot of tossing still yet to do sonce school seems like a never ending uphill in the snow with only one shoe for 7.3 miles kinda deal.  My little Ronan nephew pulled my heartstrings and Benny pulled the cats tails.  My sister and I got reconnected and she cooked my fat ass some good eats.  It was delightful.

Also in the month of July I decided in my most impulsive fashion that I would cut off my hair.  To everyone's suprise, I haven't complained about it once.  I actually love the second guessing "is she a lesbian? Wait, she has a baby" "Lesbians can have babys" "But she's with a man"...kinda converstaions that I know people are having behind my back.  The truth of the whole hair cutting matter is that I don't want to deal with crap that consumes way too much of my time and prevents me from jumping in pools of water freely for fear of the hair do.  I couldn't be happier with my lesbian look a like coif.

Ilove it although the two of us may easily be confused at a cas-jeans and pilsner kinda dinner!

Ok, I'm Here

I've recently been reinspired to continue writing and quit being a total D-bag and putting off something that I absolutely love. I have to be honest in the reason that I set this blog aside for so long. I had nothing to say which could be laid down uncensored. I've had this little inner struggle with censorship and those who sometimes read my blog. I've kept it pretty PG thus far, but as my sister pointed out, the way that I have previously written this blog is not really how I speak. So, now that I have officially F listed myself from those who I previously chose to censor my blog for, I am going to begin anew and throw in a few cuss words for the like, because that is how I roll...I like the shock and awe of saying things like douche-tard. Besides, how many cute little pictures of my most adored best friend can I post before I am just being an over the top showy mother. Yep, I DO have the cutest little button of a boy, and if you say any different I will delete you from my facebook or myspace because those are both IMPORTANT to me! But really, I like to think of my writing as far more entertaining than the bazillion pictures of Benny! Yeah, I said it!

So now that I have chose to come back around and show some real love, I have to forewarn you. This shit is real and for those judgy types, well, I'm sure that you will have something to say, but all in all, us three here in Los Angeles county are doing well and THAT is what matters! Carry on!