Benny is a mess. He slept for nothing last night and at 5:00 this morning Johnny was getting up and reaching for the teething tablets while I tried to comfort our restless baby boy. He cried and laughed and jumped around, put his head at the foot of the bed then turned around, got up and played with the blinds- all in random order. It went on and on. He couldn't decide what he wanted to do. Luckily within a few minutes he crashed again but it has left both of us very tired today and it's safe to assume that I am going to have to skip the gym because I don't want to leave Benny without me at all. I was called out of spinning yesterday because Benny screamed for 15 minutes until I picked him up. The minute that he made contact with me he stopped. Just like turning off a facet. Needless to say, he is not handling me being out of his sight for even a second and this sure is making things hard if I attempt anything.. so I have an excuse to be lazy (I'm hard on myself so I"ll take this when I have to!)
Tomorrow is our monthly La Leche League meeting... maybe some of the girls will have helpful tips or homeopathic advice. These bottom teeth are swollen buds which are refusing to break. I really wish that they would.. I'm not sure how many nights I can endure before pulling my own hair out sounds like a reasonable answer!
Try a wash cloth in freezer for a bit and just let him bite away. It will soothe the gums and absorb the saliva at the same time. Good luck!!!!!!
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