Temporary Hiatus

We're home aka- "The Valley" this week! Benny and I brought my mom back from her flight into LAX on Monday and we decided to just hang in the spring weather til next week! I enjoy being able to travel back and forth so easily, and I love being able to see our families!

Benny has been such a happy baby and has played so well with everyone! Madison adores him, and even though I don't think he understands that she's a baby as well, he adores her just as much! We've played outside, gone for a walk, Benny pkayed with horsey with great grandpa and Kayla, and I even got some girly time last night while grandma was kind enough to keep B for a few hours. We did discover that Benny probably just won't ever be able to drink formula though. I didn't have any milk pumped for him and we decided to go out at the last minute, so I resorted to formula for him. His grandma had to give him a small bit which he didn't like, then he threw up several times. The fact that formula is a no-no would be fine with me, but should there be an emergency, Benny is going to have a much tougher time. So for now though, I have learned that any extended periods away from B must be planned from now on. I guess I can deal with it... the pay off is enormous anyway!

SO the agenda for the rest of the week includes a picnic at the river this evening (B's first river trip!!!), a trip to Fresno to finally meet Phoebe and the girls, and a few BBQs and lots of family time! Johnny will be in on Friday night (I can't wait because I miss him ridiculously!). We may squeexe in some mommy and daddy time, but overall, we are just enjoying our time with family while the weather proves amazing! The blossoms are blooming, and I am enjoying one of my most favorite seasons which I have missed out on for 9 years!

I do have a bazillion pictures to post once we get home. Stayed tuned of course!


Jessi Marchese said...

The only formula Ro will drink is the soy kind. I wonder if he's going to take after me. I like soy milk better than regular for some reason. Not because it's supposed to be "healthier" or whatever. Milk just kinda makes me sick. The shlocklate kind is yummy.