We went home on Saturday night a little disappointed that we had spent too much time in downtown Hollywood and didn't get a chance to go up Mullholland Drive in the daytime. So, we went back on Sunday. We checked out the La Brea tar pits as well. I was so intrigued by the pits and all of the fossils that have been and are still being excavated.
So we went to the pits and then on to Mullholland Drive to get a clear view of the Hollywood sign. The view was indeed amazing and I can check it off of the "Things to Do In Life" Checklist! Now, we have to check the view out at night.

The infamous Mullholland Drive and Studio City in the back ground.

Hollywood. How appropriate for a BMW to be driving in the background.
La Brea Tar Pits. This is a REAL tarpit people! REAL!

Meet my little puppy Benny.

My love. My friend.

Um.. this is a real tar pit too.. shouldnt there be a fence around it or something?

Coincedence that the name of the museum is in the background. Promise.

Outside of the museum. It was a beautiful day!

Strong shoulders are a must.

Not exhibits, just observers.

This guy chases me in my dreams. This is a mammoth found fosilized when one of the pits was excavated. Very interesting.
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