The skies were beautiful with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and the hillsides outside of Los Angeles were green and inviting. We had three diapers and some travel wipes packed in my purse and we decided to keep driving past Carpenteria. We had no particular destination in mind, but just knew that Benny was peacefully taking a nap (finally!) and we were enjoying eachother's company and the nice scenery and weather. We passed Santa Barbara and decided to make it to Pismo Beach for dinner at Splash cafe. We stopped along the way to admire the beaches and huge swells but made it in time for dinner! It was amazing driving along the water nearly the whole way along the US 101.
Upon arriving we checked into a beachside hotel room and headed out after dinner to find diapers! We were fine with wearing the same clothes until we returned home and cherished the adventure, but diapers were a must have! After accomplishing this task, we stopped at my aunt's house for some quick visiting and then checked in for the night. We rose early this morning to drearing skies and cold weather, but it didn't stop our spirits! We ate breakfast and took our time meandering around town before heading home. The drive home was a blast as well. Again, Benny slept peacefully and Johnny and I had quality conversation time!
To say the least, it was certainly not a quiet and cozy weekend in the house. We challenged our adventurous sides and made lasting family memories! Here are some pics.... enjoy!
The green hillsides just north of L.A.
The morning mist and fog on Pismo Beach-even dreariness has beauty
Benny and I in our hotel room. Of course we were doing what we do best... dressing B up!
Another beach that we stopped at. The storms had washed up a lot of seaweed and the waves were beautiful.

Benny and I in our hotel room. Of course we were doing what we do best... dressing B up!
I am so lucky... and I know it! Johnny never minds helping out and wearing Benny when I am too tired.

How can you not love this little face!?!
Benny's newest accomplishment- Standing himself up and holding it! And what better place to practice than dad's belly!
He was the king of the bed..... as usual!
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