Benny had his four month check up today. It was an appointment that we delayed because he wasn't feeling well last week. If you read my previous blog about Benny's doctor, you'll remember that I said this week's appointment will be the one which determines if she will remain his doc.
So here goes:
Benny weighs 17lbs 8 oz! He is in the 90th percentile! Yikes! He's the weed that I grow- 5 pound weight gain in two months!!
His head circumfrence is 18.5 inches! This is 2.5 onches bigger than last check up and in the 90th percentile as well!
And his length.... 25 inches which puts him in the 50th percentile! He's grown 3 inches in two months!
Now, on to my pediatric bitching soapbox!
This is a new doctor right? Shouldn't she ask for his last stats? Well, she didn't. He is 4 1/2 months old and exclusively breastfed. We actually are going to try to keep him this way as long as possible with our goal at 1 year! She (wihtout asking what he normally eats) suggsted that we introduce cereal. I told her (not that I was asked) that we didn't want to introduce anything and she sort of stumbled and ate some of her words. Why is it that everyone is so quick to put a spoon in the kid's mouth? This is a huge deal breaker for me. I am fighting against a lot in order to breastfeed exclusively, and the doctor of ALL people should be suggesting that he is exclusively breastfed for the first six months at the least! Doesn't her pediatric book say this? Every site on the internet does! So a huge 100 point loss for her which is going to be hard to recover from in my book!
I told her that I had two concerns. One we discussed and then before we got to the second she started to walk out of the room. I stood there thinking "is she going to walk out? Do I seriously need to make her look forgetful and remind her that there is something else that I want to talk about.. I did JUST tell her this".
Then lastly, she only listened to his heart and lungs (while clothed) and opened his diaper and then she was done! No feeling around his head for proper bone growth, no asking about his met milestones or even removing his clothes to check him unclothed. Nothing! What if I was a child abuser and he was bruised under his clothes (I am NOT, but still)? How many children slip through the cracks this way? Or what about simple skin conditions that I may not be aware of as a mother, but the doctor is the first line of defense? I suppose Benny would hae problems then!
I'm so disappointed and will be on the hunt for a new pediatrician! I don't think I have asked for a lot, but the two MUST HAVE criteria are that she meets the most basic exam procedures and we see eye to eye on breastfeeding. Not too much to ask for, but she failed!
(Stepping off soap box now)
Anyhow, Benny received his shots and has been a champ all afternoon! I am so blessed with a wonderful baby!
She should've at least asked what you guys had planned in the way of feeding, not just dictate what you should do in her opinion. Biatch. Was she a young doc?
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