I am a picture taking obsessed mother. Poor B, always has a flash going off somewhere near him. Its like Hollywood!
My picture posting obsession is pleasing to the grandparents though, so cheers to more Benny pics. Hope you enjoy!

Johnny snapped this shot at the perfect time! I know you all are probably saying "aww.. what are they doing to that baby?" or "poor baby". It's ok.

Johnny teaching Benny how to put his feet in his mouth!

Awesome photo work1

And the wonderful toothless smile that makes me all warm and fuzzy each time I see it!

My darlings naping together! Benny truly loves hisbouncer. It is the single most used item that we own. He would rather be in his bouncer than be held most of the time.
Take, take and take some more!! You'll NEVER regret it. I have taken THOUSANDS, yes thousands, in the last 14 months. Chad calls me paparazzi whenever I pull out the camera (which is ALL the time), LOL!
I know it looks bad, but I love his crying pictures. He makes funny faces.
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