Weight: 12lbs 5 oz which is 5 lbs 1 oz weight gain since birth and he is in the 75th percentile!
Head circumfrence: 16.5 inches of perfectly round noggin putting him in the 50th percentile!
Length: 22.5 inches which is a 3.5 inch growth since birth and puts him in the 25th percentile!
Basically he is a short little mexican!
He recieved 2 shots in each leg and handled them better than I did. I had his grandma hold him while I turned my back. He also caught his first little cold. I'm not sure if the shots made his body produce cold like symptoms or if his runny nose is in fact a cold. Either way he got his first taste of Tylenol. His nose is still stuffy and I continue sucking the snot out with what I call the "booger sucker outter". It makes him so mad too! Hopefully now that we are home, the weather is warmer and the air is not as dry he will start to feel better.
Below are Benny pics from the last week. Enjoy!

OMG! I love the pics...I stole a few! So glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving meals. We hope to make our way over to Momma Mels the weekend of Christmas...hope to see you then!
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