Johnny and I decided to come home a few days early so I thought I wouldn't keep some of oyu waiting for Benny's first Christmas pics any longer! I can't believe that Christmas is already over! We had a blast. We spent Christmas Eve with my grandparents and mom. It was nice and quiet! Christmas morning we woke and my mom came over to Johnny's parent's for breakfast, and Sharde and Daniel brought Madison over as well. We all ate together and then opened gifts! It was a blast. Benny surely didn't know the difference, but it was fun for me opening his gifts and showing them to him! He received some awesome things and we are so greatful! After breakfast and gift opening we all went to Johnny's aunts house for a family gathering. Nearly 40 people were there and the sound of family probably could be heard throughout the neighborhood!
I love Christmas so much! I love family being together and cooking. I love the smell of Christmas trees and love seeing all of the lights lit up on people's homes! I can't believe it is already over and I am a little bit sad. I took our tree down today and wrapped up all of the ornaments.... until next year!
Christmas at a quick glance!
Hooray!!! We are still on vacation! I figured I would post a few highlight pics from Christmas though since we won't be home for quite a while.
We had a wonderful Christmas. It was well spent with family and friends, and celebrating with Benny has been a blast.
Until we are home and I can post from our computer, enjoy!

We had a wonderful Christmas. It was well spent with family and friends, and celebrating with Benny has been a blast.
Until we are home and I can post from our computer, enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

Benny was Maddy's favorite present!

Check out Benny's slippers!

We bought Benny and Maddy matching shirts!

Play Nice!

Mendoza Family Christmas 2008

Sharde, Stephanie and Johnny

Me and my buddy Adena!
Hi Aunt Jessi!
Here is Benny taking to you Aunt Jess.... he even yells at you--for enjoying his crys! But he smiles when I talk about Ronan!
We can't wait to see you guys... oh and Uncle Will too of course!
Life According To Lindsey
I haven't posted in a few days nor have posted about whats been going on with me (besides the total obvious motherhood thingie that I'm rocking) in quite some time and while dinner is cooking I thought I'd write a bit.
First things first... I'm amazed that nearly three months have gone by since I gave birth. I know that I say this all the time, but Benny is growing so fast. He is already starting to fit into some of his 3-6 month clothes. This means that he isn't a tiny baby anymore. This means that life is moving fast..which when I spend too much time thinking of it, I get overwhelmed and sad. I don't ever want life to end.
Onto brighter subjects though... I have had a revelation. It wasn't overnight, but something so strong that it makes total and complete sense. I have always known that I would make a wonderful accountant and the majority of my schooling has been business related except for those early major changes that happened so frequently that I almost forgot what I was studying. Accounting come naturally to me. Business does for that matter. I've enjoyed crunching numbers and feeling the burn of pressure. I've liked making sense of something that to the untrained eye makes no sense at all. But I've never LOVED it. I've loved some jobs that I've had. I've loved a few of the enviornments and quirky people, but I've never felt a true calling. I've always just "done" it for the paycheck sake and because it has always been "easy". Over the years I have challenged myself to find something more that I would be passionate about as an occupation, but I was always left empty handed.
For those of you who know my mothering life, I LOVE breastfeeding. I fought to make sure that Benjamin and I succeeded during his early days of life. I educated myself as much as possibe before he was born to ensure that I was ready, and I geared myself for the worst. I told the nurses NOT to give Benjamin a bottle after he was born-no exceptions, and when Johnny had no choice but to bottle feed while I was in recovery, I was so torn. Luckily, Benny and I did succeed, but not without trial and error, determination and a lot of support from Johnny and my close friends and relatives.
There were many times that people would say to me "why don't you pump and give him a bottle?" I always wondered why one would suggest that. I felt and still feel that there is no reason at all that Benny should drink from a bottle (which he doesn't know how anyway) if I am within reach. Breastfeeding has had it's moments of frusteration, but bottle feeding not only defeats the purpose, it is much more of a pain to prepare.
Aside from the convenience of nursing, I have loved giving my child the best possible, nursing has helped me lose nearly 60lbs (yes, I was huge) in less than three months and all the while creating this bond that soothes not just Benny, but me as well. When I am absent from nursing (which is VERY rare), I miss him and miss nursing him.
So since I have truly loved (and I mean LOVED) nursing B, I have had to think about why others have not had similar experiences and I honestly believe that it boils down to education. After saying all of this, you m ay be wondering what in the heck my point is. Well, I;ll tell you. I have finally found my calling. I have finally found my passion. I want to educate about breastfeeding. I have never felt so strongly about a calling in my life.
Now, this isn't exactly a part time hobby. This is going to require quite a bit of time (2000 clinical hours) and a whole lot of education. It seems simple: baby to boob, baby drinks and viola. NOT SO!!!! So in 2009 I will embark on a new journey. One that will not necessarily bring me a huge financial gain (as business might have), but something more. I will begin my journey of passion and hopefully make a difference in the lives of women who seek the same awesome and precious experience that I have had as a breastfeeding mother.
First things first... I'm amazed that nearly three months have gone by since I gave birth. I know that I say this all the time, but Benny is growing so fast. He is already starting to fit into some of his 3-6 month clothes. This means that he isn't a tiny baby anymore. This means that life is moving fast..which when I spend too much time thinking of it, I get overwhelmed and sad. I don't ever want life to end.
Onto brighter subjects though... I have had a revelation. It wasn't overnight, but something so strong that it makes total and complete sense. I have always known that I would make a wonderful accountant and the majority of my schooling has been business related except for those early major changes that happened so frequently that I almost forgot what I was studying. Accounting come naturally to me. Business does for that matter. I've enjoyed crunching numbers and feeling the burn of pressure. I've liked making sense of something that to the untrained eye makes no sense at all. But I've never LOVED it. I've loved some jobs that I've had. I've loved a few of the enviornments and quirky people, but I've never felt a true calling. I've always just "done" it for the paycheck sake and because it has always been "easy". Over the years I have challenged myself to find something more that I would be passionate about as an occupation, but I was always left empty handed.
For those of you who know my mothering life, I LOVE breastfeeding. I fought to make sure that Benjamin and I succeeded during his early days of life. I educated myself as much as possibe before he was born to ensure that I was ready, and I geared myself for the worst. I told the nurses NOT to give Benjamin a bottle after he was born-no exceptions, and when Johnny had no choice but to bottle feed while I was in recovery, I was so torn. Luckily, Benny and I did succeed, but not without trial and error, determination and a lot of support from Johnny and my close friends and relatives.
There were many times that people would say to me "why don't you pump and give him a bottle?" I always wondered why one would suggest that. I felt and still feel that there is no reason at all that Benny should drink from a bottle (which he doesn't know how anyway) if I am within reach. Breastfeeding has had it's moments of frusteration, but bottle feeding not only defeats the purpose, it is much more of a pain to prepare.
Aside from the convenience of nursing, I have loved giving my child the best possible, nursing has helped me lose nearly 60lbs (yes, I was huge) in less than three months and all the while creating this bond that soothes not just Benny, but me as well. When I am absent from nursing (which is VERY rare), I miss him and miss nursing him.
So since I have truly loved (and I mean LOVED) nursing B, I have had to think about why others have not had similar experiences and I honestly believe that it boils down to education. After saying all of this, you m ay be wondering what in the heck my point is. Well, I;ll tell you. I have finally found my calling. I have finally found my passion. I want to educate about breastfeeding. I have never felt so strongly about a calling in my life.
Now, this isn't exactly a part time hobby. This is going to require quite a bit of time (2000 clinical hours) and a whole lot of education. It seems simple: baby to boob, baby drinks and viola. NOT SO!!!! So in 2009 I will embark on a new journey. One that will not necessarily bring me a huge financial gain (as business might have), but something more. I will begin my journey of passion and hopefully make a difference in the lives of women who seek the same awesome and precious experience that I have had as a breastfeeding mother.
Pictures, Pictures and more Pics of B.
I am a picture taking obsessed mother. Poor B, always has a flash going off somewhere near him. Its like Hollywood!
My picture posting obsession is pleasing to the grandparents though, so cheers to more Benny pics. Hope you enjoy!

My picture posting obsession is pleasing to the grandparents though, so cheers to more Benny pics. Hope you enjoy!

Johnny snapped this shot at the perfect time! I know you all are probably saying "aww.. what are they doing to that baby?" or "poor baby". It's ok.
Dear Zachary
Yo may have already heard of or watched the highly acclaimed documentary called Dear Zachary: A letter to a son about his father. If not, look it up, order it, read the book....the story is heart wrenching, but the documentary is filmed with such passion and honesty that it's hard to not fall in love with family that is documented.
Johnny and I just finished watching it which we recorded on MSNBC. I will give warning: I have not cried or sobbed rather in years. A heaviness weighed on my heart and still hasn't left me. It's a tragic story about a family's loss and struggle to find purpose. Again, I warn... it is painful, but if you have ever ordered tea for your pity party, this family will remind you of all to be thankful for and possibly inspire you to fight for a cause if you aren't already doing so.
Johnny and I just finished watching it which we recorded on MSNBC. I will give warning: I have not cried or sobbed rather in years. A heaviness weighed on my heart and still hasn't left me. It's a tragic story about a family's loss and struggle to find purpose. Again, I warn... it is painful, but if you have ever ordered tea for your pity party, this family will remind you of all to be thankful for and possibly inspire you to fight for a cause if you aren't already doing so.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree.....
We picked out our Christmas tree today. Below is the story in pictures!!!
You can't pick your tree from the forest or cut your own tree down in LA. Instead, people buy christmas trees from parking lots of cut trees!
A downside of living far away from everyone we know is that we don't have anyone near us with a truck! But it truly does not stop our parade! We picked out a tree which was the right size for our place, car and looked good. We both were so excited to pick ot Benny's first Christmas tree! This is a huge deal to us.

It's actually over five feet tall... so it's not THAT small!
Benjamin was not exempt from our decorating party! We woke him from his nap so that he would not miss out!
He would make a beautiful ornament!
Benjamin was not exempt from our decorating party! We woke him from his nap so that he would not miss out!

During the MANY moves in my life and especially my most recent from Florida, I have left all of my Christmas decorations behind except for one box of ornaments which my mother gave me. It holds the last of the ornaments from my childhood (all childhood items burned in my mom's house fire). We decided to use them on our tree as well as begin our little family tradition which is handed down from my parents: we will each pick out one new ornament a year to put on our tree. So our tree does not have an incredible amount of ornaments, but each one that is on it is very special including an angel ormanment that topped my grandmother's small table christmas tree which was displayed the last few years of her life. Our tree is very special, and I have promised myself that I will not leave Christmas decorations behind during moves anymore.
At one time I had an angel that my dad gave me that I placed on top of each of my Christmas trees, but over the years, she fell apart. This year we bought a new topper! It's fresh for our family!
Our 2008 Christmas tree!
Karma Does It Again
We live on a hill. Our place is situated right below a school playground. When I say below, I mean the school is on top of the hill and our street runs parallel with the school yard. The height difference between the school yard and our street is about 30 or 35 feet. so basically the school is "above" us.
Each day an estimate of about 15 playground balls come over the fence and drop down onto our street and roll into our yards. It's like it rains balls. Since the beginning of our tenancy, Johnny has been "collecting" these balls. He has gathered one of each kind ie soccer, football, basketball etc.
On our recent trip home, Johnny emptied out all of the balls from his car and left them on his mom's porch. He said he would leave them there for the kids to play with. Hmph.
Today Johnny and I decided to get our Christmas tree. I had not been outside since yesterday when I parked my car. When we walked out I stopped dead in my tracks. The back window of my pretty new car was shattered. SHATTERED I say. There was an impact spot and the rest was shattered into a billion pieces but still in form of what used to be my back windshield. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
We both knew it was from one of the stupid playground balls which we firmly believe are thrown purposely over the 10 foot fence. This disturbs me for a few reasons. WHY can't the teachers get control of ELEMENTARY kids to keep the balls from being thrown over? And, WHY after all these balls are thrown over aren't they doing anything about it knowing that our cars and homes are directly below the stupid playground?
After calling the police and finding out that I can't file a real police report because there wasn't any criminal activity, I marched over to the school to give them a piece of my mind. I explained that I want full reimbursment of the relacement cost (which by the way is NOT cheap). While I was at the school, Johnny began cleaning out the back of my car and removing all of the glass which had shattered into the car by this point because I accidentally closed the door without consideration and the pieces fell apart. While he was cleaning he watched two other balls come over the fence. When he told me this I became even more livid. I walked up and down the street with a huge bag and collected at least 15 balls from our yard and our neighbor's and then walked them over to the school. The principal said that she had placed a call to the district office to see whether there was an existing policy that would reimburse me but she had not recieved reply yet. I'm wondering if I will have to sue. I just can't imagine that I am the first person whose window has been shattered. And I certainly can't believe that all of these balls come over and there isn't a policy in place for insurance purposes. Maybe she's testing me to see how far I push this. Testing to see if I really will throw a big fit. Well, I have news for her.. she obviously doesn't know how I throw fits, but she will if she can't figure out how to pay me back!
But really, the bottom line is that karma has done it again. Johnny should have never taken the balls to begin with. He should have never started a stupid selfish collection which was essenaillystealing from the elementary kids (even though they are bratty enough to throw them over the fence). He should have never removed them. Now when I head to the valley on Monday, I will have to take them from his mom's house and return them to the school. It's the only way that I can rightfully be reimbursed. Unfortunatley Johnny's need for a ball collection affected me too now.. it's all in part of being a team.
Karma.... it gets us every time.
P.S. My window is being replaced tomorrow morning. thankfully.
Each day an estimate of about 15 playground balls come over the fence and drop down onto our street and roll into our yards. It's like it rains balls. Since the beginning of our tenancy, Johnny has been "collecting" these balls. He has gathered one of each kind ie soccer, football, basketball etc.
On our recent trip home, Johnny emptied out all of the balls from his car and left them on his mom's porch. He said he would leave them there for the kids to play with. Hmph.
Today Johnny and I decided to get our Christmas tree. I had not been outside since yesterday when I parked my car. When we walked out I stopped dead in my tracks. The back window of my pretty new car was shattered. SHATTERED I say. There was an impact spot and the rest was shattered into a billion pieces but still in form of what used to be my back windshield. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
We both knew it was from one of the stupid playground balls which we firmly believe are thrown purposely over the 10 foot fence. This disturbs me for a few reasons. WHY can't the teachers get control of ELEMENTARY kids to keep the balls from being thrown over? And, WHY after all these balls are thrown over aren't they doing anything about it knowing that our cars and homes are directly below the stupid playground?
After calling the police and finding out that I can't file a real police report because there wasn't any criminal activity, I marched over to the school to give them a piece of my mind. I explained that I want full reimbursment of the relacement cost (which by the way is NOT cheap). While I was at the school, Johnny began cleaning out the back of my car and removing all of the glass which had shattered into the car by this point because I accidentally closed the door without consideration and the pieces fell apart. While he was cleaning he watched two other balls come over the fence. When he told me this I became even more livid. I walked up and down the street with a huge bag and collected at least 15 balls from our yard and our neighbor's and then walked them over to the school. The principal said that she had placed a call to the district office to see whether there was an existing policy that would reimburse me but she had not recieved reply yet. I'm wondering if I will have to sue. I just can't imagine that I am the first person whose window has been shattered. And I certainly can't believe that all of these balls come over and there isn't a policy in place for insurance purposes. Maybe she's testing me to see how far I push this. Testing to see if I really will throw a big fit. Well, I have news for her.. she obviously doesn't know how I throw fits, but she will if she can't figure out how to pay me back!
But really, the bottom line is that karma has done it again. Johnny should have never taken the balls to begin with. He should have never started a stupid selfish collection which was essenaillystealing from the elementary kids (even though they are bratty enough to throw them over the fence). He should have never removed them. Now when I head to the valley on Monday, I will have to take them from his mom's house and return them to the school. It's the only way that I can rightfully be reimbursed. Unfortunatley Johnny's need for a ball collection affected me too now.. it's all in part of being a team.
Karma.... it gets us every time.
P.S. My window is being replaced tomorrow morning. thankfully.
Humility...its more than just a word.
It's really late and I am really tired but I am consumed by "shopping cart abandoning". As soon as I fill up an online shopping cart, I dump it all out and go onto the next web page. I've been doing this for over an hour now. I promised Johnny that I would be coming to bed, but this online shopping thing and writing this blog are preventing me! It isn't just online shopping that I keep "cart abandoning". I did it twice last night in real stores. I have found "perfect " items at "perfect" prices but I always make an excuse. I can't seem to spend the money unless Johny is an accomplice... which starts to lead me to the point of this blog.. really, I do have a point..somewhere!
Johnny stopped working his second job the week before Thanksgiving. At first I panicked but soon after a sense of calm took over and I thought that while the lay off was at an incredibly inoportune time right before the holidays, I was glad. I still am.
When I found out I was pregnant both Johnny and I were working full time. We made every effort to pay off all debts and save save save for our move back to California and to cover expenses while Johnny was looking for work. During our first two months back in California, Johnny adn I had numerous let downs from job prospects. This humbled us. I prayed that Johnny would "just find a job".. and I didn't care how much money he made as long as our basics were provided. Then, the door opened. He found a great job in a great location. He commuted back and forth from LA each week and next I prayed to just get me through my pregnancy and be together as a family in LA. It happened. Johnny and I remained patient and when we fell out of line, we reminded each other that good things would come to us if we remained humbled. But somewhere down the line we started to lose sight of this. Once ours prayers had been answered, we started being a little greedy. We wanted more than "just being together". When Johnny was laid off we were put back in our places and it didn't take long to realize this. There is no amount of money that is worth missing out on Benny's day to day growth. There is nothing worth working 13 hours a day, being exhausted, not giving anything in life 100% and having family placed on the back burner-all in the name of money.
I thought we would struggle but we won't. Being humble reminds me that all we need is our basics... and the basics are very basic. Johnny is home everyday. He teaches a morning and a night class so he spends each afternoon with us. It makes things like grocery shopping and laundry a bazillion times easier. I escape the boys for a few minutes each day to soak up some fake sun (which is my FAVORITE indulgence and I'm not afraid to admit it) and I return home refreshed! We sit down and eat as a family again! We get to jog together now! And the second set of hands with a 2 month old feels like a million bucks! I don't mind being reminded to get back in line. I knew the sacrafices I would make both financially and career wise when we decided that I would be a stay at home mommy for a while. The smile on my face each afternoon when Johnny walks through the door tells me that prayers are answered and I shouldn't take advantage of the fact. I prayed for my family, and I have frills needed.
As a side note, Johnny was offered a part time position today in a second job again.... it was a good feeling to know that he is desired, but I think we both know what the answer to the offer should be.... we didn't just go through all of this for nothing!
Johnny stopped working his second job the week before Thanksgiving. At first I panicked but soon after a sense of calm took over and I thought that while the lay off was at an incredibly inoportune time right before the holidays, I was glad. I still am.
When I found out I was pregnant both Johnny and I were working full time. We made every effort to pay off all debts and save save save for our move back to California and to cover expenses while Johnny was looking for work. During our first two months back in California, Johnny adn I had numerous let downs from job prospects. This humbled us. I prayed that Johnny would "just find a job".. and I didn't care how much money he made as long as our basics were provided. Then, the door opened. He found a great job in a great location. He commuted back and forth from LA each week and next I prayed to just get me through my pregnancy and be together as a family in LA. It happened. Johnny and I remained patient and when we fell out of line, we reminded each other that good things would come to us if we remained humbled. But somewhere down the line we started to lose sight of this. Once ours prayers had been answered, we started being a little greedy. We wanted more than "just being together". When Johnny was laid off we were put back in our places and it didn't take long to realize this. There is no amount of money that is worth missing out on Benny's day to day growth. There is nothing worth working 13 hours a day, being exhausted, not giving anything in life 100% and having family placed on the back burner-all in the name of money.
I thought we would struggle but we won't. Being humble reminds me that all we need is our basics... and the basics are very basic. Johnny is home everyday. He teaches a morning and a night class so he spends each afternoon with us. It makes things like grocery shopping and laundry a bazillion times easier. I escape the boys for a few minutes each day to soak up some fake sun (which is my FAVORITE indulgence and I'm not afraid to admit it) and I return home refreshed! We sit down and eat as a family again! We get to jog together now! And the second set of hands with a 2 month old feels like a million bucks! I don't mind being reminded to get back in line. I knew the sacrafices I would make both financially and career wise when we decided that I would be a stay at home mommy for a while. The smile on my face each afternoon when Johnny walks through the door tells me that prayers are answered and I shouldn't take advantage of the fact. I prayed for my family, and I have frills needed.
As a side note, Johnny was offered a part time position today in a second job again.... it was a good feeling to know that he is desired, but I think we both know what the answer to the offer should be.... we didn't just go through all of this for nothing!
Benjamin Update!
Benjamin had his 2 month check up and first set of shots last week before Thanksgiving. :( The stats are as such:
Weight: 12lbs 5 oz which is 5 lbs 1 oz weight gain since birth and he is in the 75th percentile!
Head circumfrence: 16.5 inches of perfectly round noggin putting him in the 50th percentile!
Length: 22.5 inches which is a 3.5 inch growth since birth and puts him in the 25th percentile!
Basically he is a short little mexican!
He recieved 2 shots in each leg and handled them better than I did. I had his grandma hold him while I turned my back. He also caught his first little cold. I'm not sure if the shots made his body produce cold like symptoms or if his runny nose is in fact a cold. Either way he got his first taste of Tylenol. His nose is still stuffy and I continue sucking the snot out with what I call the "booger sucker outter". It makes him so mad too! Hopefully now that we are home, the weather is warmer and the air is not as dry he will start to feel better.
Below are Benny pics from the last week. Enjoy!
Benny is hiding in Grandma's sofa!
Weight: 12lbs 5 oz which is 5 lbs 1 oz weight gain since birth and he is in the 75th percentile!
Head circumfrence: 16.5 inches of perfectly round noggin putting him in the 50th percentile!
Length: 22.5 inches which is a 3.5 inch growth since birth and puts him in the 25th percentile!
Basically he is a short little mexican!
He recieved 2 shots in each leg and handled them better than I did. I had his grandma hold him while I turned my back. He also caught his first little cold. I'm not sure if the shots made his body produce cold like symptoms or if his runny nose is in fact a cold. Either way he got his first taste of Tylenol. His nose is still stuffy and I continue sucking the snot out with what I call the "booger sucker outter". It makes him so mad too! Hopefully now that we are home, the weather is warmer and the air is not as dry he will start to feel better.
Below are Benny pics from the last week. Enjoy!

Benny's First Thanksgiving!
Benjamin celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time!!! We shared Thanksgving Day at my Grandparent's house which has been my familly's tradition as long as I have been alive. My grandparents cook nearly everything, and and my grandma and I always enjoy the pumpkin pie together. This year was extra special though. It was the first in 8 years that I was able to attend and this was not only Benjamin's first Turkey Day, it was also the first that Johnny spent with my family and the first that the three of us spent as our own little family. My mom, her husband and Johnny and I sent the afternoon squabbling over scrabble and after dinner my family sat around the dinner table and chatted. Johnny and I throughly enjoyed ourselves and I think Benny did too! Once the dishes were done and everyone left, we headed to Johnny's aunt's house for a little after dinner party action. We got to hang out and visit with some of his extended family and friends.
On Black Friday Johnny's family started their own tradition. We cooked a Thanksgiving meal and decorated for Christmas. We stuffed ourselves silly. All of the stockings were put up on display and mine and Benny's were this year's additions! A few people joined our festivities later in the evening. It was a nice way to celebrate the holiday without getting cramped trying to make to both sides of the families homes!
Thanksgiving was a huge success! Here are a few pictures.... enjoy!

On Black Friday Johnny's family started their own tradition. We cooked a Thanksgiving meal and decorated for Christmas. We stuffed ourselves silly. All of the stockings were put up on display and mine and Benny's were this year's additions! A few people joined our festivities later in the evening. It was a nice way to celebrate the holiday without getting cramped trying to make to both sides of the families homes!
Thanksgiving was a huge success! Here are a few pictures.... enjoy!

B is for Benny. Johnny and B playing scrabble.