Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment for one of the two due dates which I was given. This means that I am either 39 weeks or 40 weeks depending on which doctor I speak to! Last week when I went to the doctor I pleaded with Dr. Cano to get Benjamin out of me!!!! Dr. Cano said that "if" on next Friday (which is now tomorrow) I am at least dialated to 4 cm he would admit me and break my water so that Benjamin's birth can be somewhat planned around Johnny's weekend homecoming. So today I went for a walk (as much as I could take) and bounced ridiculously on a yoga ball for an hour in effort to force Benny out! I know neither of these may have helped, but I am so ready to not only meet him, but be comfortable again! Needless to say, we all are ANXIOUS!!!!
Since this is my first child, I have no idea what I am "supposed" to feel like. At moments I feel as though I could run a marathon if it weren't for the fact that my tummy may make me off balance and land me face first into the nearest cement block. Then at other times I feel like I could close my eyes and sleep for 24 hours straight. I am achy, but nothing which makes me believe that I am about to push a baby out of .. well, you know. I question my higher tolerance for pain and my stubborness.
All the while, poor Johnny is working 13 hour days between the pharmacy and teaching both morning and night classes. His question each time we talk is "How's my boy"? and I find myself snapping at him and saying "he's STILL in my stomach" or ""still kicking" then wishing that I had bit my tounge. I can't imagine what it is like being on constant stand-by three hours away and not being able to be here during these last days of pregnancy (lucky him!).
All in all, tomorrow has potential to be the big day and I can only hope so! Please everyone, say a prayer!
Until next.....
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