As most of you know by now, Benjamin Vance was born on September 17th. He weighed 7lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches long. He is healthy and the best thing that could have evered happened in our lives.
My labor was induced on Tuesday morning due to high blood pressure and becoming elcamptic. After nearly 20 hours of induced labor (yes, feeling STRONG contractions), my cervix still would not dialate. I was stuck at 4cm on Wednesday morning when the doctor finally decided to take Benny via C Section. I had already been overloaded on drugs and was ready to just be out of pain.
Benny was born at 7:35 Wednesday morning and arrived in the world as a perfect little baby! He is absolutley gorgeous. He has the most beautiful dark blue eyes which are exactly like my sister's and a head full of dark hair. He is amazing. The joy that he brings us is amazing!
This blog is a bit short, but Johnny has left to L.A., and I am on "baby schedule" now which leaves me little room to do things such as blog! I'll leave with a few pictures though. I hope you enjoy!
He's throwing all kinds of gang signs in your pics!
Congratulations to the two of you!! What a blessing!! Cherish these times you have with your baby boy (as hard as things may be sometimes) because they go by soooo fast!!
oh my girl, he is wonderful!!! I couldn’t even imagine a labor that long. It’s over now, and he is so f'n beautiful!!!! CONGRATZ!!!!! Im so happy for you!!! Keep the pics coming!!!
just make sure he can breathe under all that boobage...
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