Benjamin Vance!

As most of you know by now, Benjamin Vance was born on September 17th. He weighed 7lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches long. He is healthy and the best thing that could have evered happened in our lives.

My labor was induced on Tuesday morning due to high blood pressure and becoming elcamptic. After nearly 20 hours of induced labor (yes, feeling STRONG contractions), my cervix still would not dialate. I was stuck at 4cm on Wednesday morning when the doctor finally decided to take Benny via C Section. I had already been overloaded on drugs and was ready to just be out of pain.

Benny was born at 7:35 Wednesday morning and arrived in the world as a perfect little baby! He is absolutley gorgeous. He has the most beautiful dark blue eyes which are exactly like my sister's and a head full of dark hair. He is amazing. The joy that he brings us is amazing!

This blog is a bit short, but Johnny has left to L.A., and I am on "baby schedule" now which leaves me little room to do things such as blog! I'll leave with a few pictures though. I hope you enjoy!

Will this baby ever come out?????

I had my weekly doctor appointment on Friday with Dr. Cano and only gained 1/2 lb which was exciting, but what was more exciting was that after checking my cervix, he informed me that I was 2 cm dialated!!! He also said that my cervix was very soft-and from what I understand, this is a good thing for women who want to deliver! I left his office elated and daydreamed about the birth and all the little details. All of the women in my family promised that I would be "just like my mom" and deliver fast and most surely by the end of the weekend!!!

Johnny raced home early on Friday with the idea of the impending birth of our son very soon around the corner. He didn't teach his night class or make it to the pharmacy. He let everyone know of his well prepared lesson plans and that he would not be back on Monday and possibly Tuesday! Well, here it is almost 48 hours after my last appointment, and I feel like I am going to pop, but I don't believe there has been any change inside of my body, and Johnny has to go back to work tomorrow.

I slept very very little on Friday night due to trying hard to count the time between contractions. Unfortunately I either dozed off or the contractions were impossible to time because of irregularity-both in time and strength. This is a very frusterating situation as any woman who has given birth well knows. At this point in my life there is nothing that I wnat more than to go into active labor-especially trying to time all of this while Johnny is still home. It is an impossible task to control.

Saturday morning I woke and stood and had a gush of fluid leave my body uncontrollably which sent excitement through my blood! Had my water broke and I would be on my way??? Johnny and I got our things together and went to the hospital. It was determined that my water had not broke at all, and what I thought was a burst of amniotic fluid was more than likely just a case of incontinence from all the pressure!!! Talk about a let down. I still held hope that maybe my body was doing it's job over night and my cervix was opening enough to be kept in the hospital. Again, to our disppointment, I was told that I was still dialated at 2 cm. No change!!!!!! I got to lay in bed for an hour and was then sent home.

Still determined that I would have this baby by the end of the weekend, Johnny and I spent 2 hours walking through Target last night. It left me very tired and I had finally got wonderful sleep. My contractions still are irregular and I am almost consumed by back pain which I really want to believe is one big disguised contraction. I'm not so sure that I am correct though.

So tonight Johnny will leave at his usual 8pm time frame, and I will be left in Dinuba wondering how quickly he can get back should the need arise before next weekend. I was positive that I would have delivered by now, so attempting to put another time frame on Benjamin's arrival would only mean setting myself up for a let down.

As I laid in bed last night I thought about the lesson that I have been learning all summer-patience. Perhaps this is another was of enforcing the lesson and preparing both Johnny and I for the extreme amount of patience that we will need as parents.

Waiting And Wishing!

Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment for one of the two due dates which I was given. This means that I am either 39 weeks or 40 weeks depending on which doctor I speak to! Last week when I went to the doctor I pleaded with Dr. Cano to get Benjamin out of me!!!! Dr. Cano said that "if" on next Friday (which is now tomorrow) I am at least dialated to 4 cm he would admit me and break my water so that Benjamin's birth can be somewhat planned around Johnny's weekend homecoming. So today I went for a walk (as much as I could take) and bounced ridiculously on a yoga ball for an hour in effort to force Benny out! I know neither of these may have helped, but I am so ready to not only meet him, but be comfortable again! Needless to say, we all are ANXIOUS!!!!

Since this is my first child, I have no idea what I am "supposed" to feel like. At moments I feel as though I could run a marathon if it weren't for the fact that my tummy may make me off balance and land me face first into the nearest cement block. Then at other times I feel like I could close my eyes and sleep for 24 hours straight. I am achy, but nothing which makes me believe that I am about to push a baby out of .. well, you know. I question my higher tolerance for pain and my stubborness.

All the while, poor Johnny is working 13 hour days between the pharmacy and teaching both morning and night classes. His question each time we talk is "How's my boy"? and I find myself snapping at him and saying "he's STILL in my stomach" or ""still kicking" then wishing that I had bit my tounge. I can't imagine what it is like being on constant stand-by three hours away and not being able to be here during these last days of pregnancy (lucky him!).

All in all, tomorrow has potential to be the big day and I can only hope so! Please everyone, say a prayer!

Until next.....

Random Pictures from my summer of pregnancy!

Along the US 10 in Texas. I was 5 months pregnant and so tiny yet thought I was so huge!

Some people paint happy faces.. Johnny takes on the world! The finished project!

Maddison blowing kisses to Benjamin

Almost 9 months and waiting!

Benny's first birthday pie which daddy made. I knew it wouldn't make it until his actual birthday!

Struggling with the playpen! This may not be a good sign!

Practicing putting the car seat in our car!

And finding out that it doesn't fit so well. This is a more serious sign of trouble!

Maddy test driving Benny's stroller! I think she liked it!

Playing beer pong with water. The boys didn't think it was fair, but we didn't care!

Our baby shower cake! It was delish! We can't wait to meet him!

Our First Blog!

So here we are.. well actually Johnny is in LA working until Friday and I am here in Dinuba passing the days until Benjamin is born. Things are good except our need and strong desire to be together daily as a family are not being met and it is pretty hectic being apart. We each have learned a great deal about patience throughout my pregnancy since we seem to have jumped many hurdles. We are hanging on for hopefully what won't be longer than a few more weeks, and we will be back together daily.

I am due to deliver Benny in 10 days, and I am hoping and praying that he comes a little sooner. I am ready to get this show on the road and move to LA! Johnny is working his butt off right now and communting home each weekend. The commute is tiresome but he swears it's worth it!

My pregnancy has been remarkably smooth except for major water retention which is uncomfortable, but not endangering Benjamin at all. Suprisingly, after the move across the country, and the hectic summer we have had, I am healthy (although stressed)!

We had a wonderful Baby Shower and recieved more help than we could have expected. We have just about all that we need to start our new baby enriched life! I have washed all of Benjamin's clothes and prepared his bedding. Johnny installed the car seat in my car (which is a tight fit!), put our new stroller together and set up the play pen to air out. We are geared for baby!

Our weekends together have been extremely lazy since I don't feel like doing a whole lot right now, and Johnny has been wonderful catering to me when he can! We are enjoying our last moments napping together and being baby free although we are both absolutely beside ourselves with excitement for Benjamin to arrive!

We will keep everyone posted and will post pictures as soon as he arrives! Until then, be well, and be happy!