Since I was pregnant, I have wanted a rocking chair. Since getting rid of everything I owned when leaving Florida and with a new baby on the way, I wanted a rocking chair to be my first new piece of furniture in our new place. It didn't happen as I wanted. I searched on Craig's List and in every store that I walked into for a chair that was right for me and within budget. No avail. Eventually we bought other furniture and I learned to soothe Benjamin in ways other than rocking him. Recently since we really don't have room for even a mouse left in our place, I let the idea go figuring I'd wait until my next baby.
Benny was super fussy this morning. He hasn't been feeling well between teething and a cough. We passed on a planned trip to the beach today because he wasn't doing so well. Johnny decided to take him for a walk to get him to fall asleep. I tried to take a quick cat nap as well.
When they returned, Johnny came into the bedroom and told me he had a suprise. There sat a rocking chair in our living room! While on his walk around the neighborhood, he came up on a rummage sale and someone selling it for a cheap amount! He had no cash on him at the time, so he pushed Benny another few blocks to the bank, retrieved cash,returned and bought the chair, then proceeded to carry the chair in one arm and push Benny in the other for three blocks uphill to deliver to me the rocking chair that I had given up on! How does it get any sweeter than this! First of all he took our son out to give me a break! Then comes home with a chair that I thought I wouldn't get....and he carried uphill for me!
It is solid wood and sturdy and comfy! It is slightly worn but in great condition. I almost feel like Johnny ripped off the seller. The best part about this is the love that was involved. I don't know where else in the world that I would have found someone who cares and loves me and Benjamin so much!
Kudos Johnny. Here are a few pics!

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