Benny is learning to identify where our voices are coming from. He will follow our voices throughout the house. If we call him he will crawl into the other rooms until he finds us, but he hasn't figured out how to find us if we are right in front of him! I had fun hiding from him tonight!
A Pretty Big Deal For Us
Again, for the third time in four weeks Benny and I traveled back to the valley for a few days. We stayed with the Nevarez family which was awesome, and I helped my family with some things during the days. We got home last night and I was so super exhausted, but we really did have fun, despite the heat.
While we were gone, not only did Johnny keep the house clean, he also rearranged our bedroom! We had been talking and tossing around ideas about how we could get Benny to sleep in his crib. I love sleeping with him next to me, but in an effort to reduce the pain later, we would like him to get used to sleeping in his bed now.
So, Johnny arranged our bed next to Benny's crib (without the front slider on it. It is basically in co-sleeper style now. While the idea is awesome, I secretly thought it would be a whole lot harder than it looked to get B in it.
We went to bed last night, I cuddled Benny, and couldn't fall asleep so I moved him into his crib once he was deeply slumbering. He stirred a bit, so I moved half in the crib with him (thankfully it is sturdy!), he nursed a little more, and then I ever so slowly backed myself back into our bed. Viola! I nudged Johnny to wake and see this. I was so excited! I ended up practically sleeping in the crack between the two matresses due to the fact that I also need to get used to this arrangement and I needed to hold Benny's hand. B slept for a few hours and stirred. I was close enough to soothe him back to sleep, and then about an hour later he woke and wanted to nurse. At this point I was too tired to try to get him back in his bed, so I cuddled him close to nurse and back to sleep we both drifted! BUT, the few hours in his bed were such and accomplishment that I feel charged and excited that there is hope without actually weaning!
So yep. Thats it! It was a big deal and a big start and I am super happy! Now I need to work with him during his naps and getting him to nap without me....whew.. one thing at a time.
While we were gone, not only did Johnny keep the house clean, he also rearranged our bedroom! We had been talking and tossing around ideas about how we could get Benny to sleep in his crib. I love sleeping with him next to me, but in an effort to reduce the pain later, we would like him to get used to sleeping in his bed now.
So, Johnny arranged our bed next to Benny's crib (without the front slider on it. It is basically in co-sleeper style now. While the idea is awesome, I secretly thought it would be a whole lot harder than it looked to get B in it.
We went to bed last night, I cuddled Benny, and couldn't fall asleep so I moved him into his crib once he was deeply slumbering. He stirred a bit, so I moved half in the crib with him (thankfully it is sturdy!), he nursed a little more, and then I ever so slowly backed myself back into our bed. Viola! I nudged Johnny to wake and see this. I was so excited! I ended up practically sleeping in the crack between the two matresses due to the fact that I also need to get used to this arrangement and I needed to hold Benny's hand. B slept for a few hours and stirred. I was close enough to soothe him back to sleep, and then about an hour later he woke and wanted to nurse. At this point I was too tired to try to get him back in his bed, so I cuddled him close to nurse and back to sleep we both drifted! BUT, the few hours in his bed were such and accomplishment that I feel charged and excited that there is hope without actually weaning!
So yep. Thats it! It was a big deal and a big start and I am super happy! Now I need to work with him during his naps and getting him to nap without me....whew.. one thing at a time.
What A Lucky Girl I Am!
I have to write this and brag about how wonderful of a guy that I have and how lucky I am to have him.
Since I was pregnant, I have wanted a rocking chair. Since getting rid of everything I owned when leaving Florida and with a new baby on the way, I wanted a rocking chair to be my first new piece of furniture in our new place. It didn't happen as I wanted. I searched on Craig's List and in every store that I walked into for a chair that was right for me and within budget. No avail. Eventually we bought other furniture and I learned to soothe Benjamin in ways other than rocking him. Recently since we really don't have room for even a mouse left in our place, I let the idea go figuring I'd wait until my next baby.
Benny was super fussy this morning. He hasn't been feeling well between teething and a cough. We passed on a planned trip to the beach today because he wasn't doing so well. Johnny decided to take him for a walk to get him to fall asleep. I tried to take a quick cat nap as well.
When they returned, Johnny came into the bedroom and told me he had a suprise. There sat a rocking chair in our living room! While on his walk around the neighborhood, he came up on a rummage sale and someone selling it for a cheap amount! He had no cash on him at the time, so he pushed Benny another few blocks to the bank, retrieved cash,returned and bought the chair, then proceeded to carry the chair in one arm and push Benny in the other for three blocks uphill to deliver to me the rocking chair that I had given up on! How does it get any sweeter than this! First of all he took our son out to give me a break! Then comes home with a chair that I thought I wouldn't get....and he carried uphill for me!
It is solid wood and sturdy and comfy! It is slightly worn but in great condition. I almost feel like Johnny ripped off the seller. The best part about this is the love that was involved. I don't know where else in the world that I would have found someone who cares and loves me and Benjamin so much!
Kudos Johnny. Here are a few pics!
My poor little sick baby!
Aunt Jessi, this sad crying face picture is for you since you thin khe makes funny cry faces!
Hey, I thought you were sick? This is one of Benny's favorite spots to play and look out of the window!
My new most favorite thing in our home!
Used and comfy. I am content.

Johnny is already using the rocker. Thank God he put Benny to sleep for a few hours!
Since I was pregnant, I have wanted a rocking chair. Since getting rid of everything I owned when leaving Florida and with a new baby on the way, I wanted a rocking chair to be my first new piece of furniture in our new place. It didn't happen as I wanted. I searched on Craig's List and in every store that I walked into for a chair that was right for me and within budget. No avail. Eventually we bought other furniture and I learned to soothe Benjamin in ways other than rocking him. Recently since we really don't have room for even a mouse left in our place, I let the idea go figuring I'd wait until my next baby.
Benny was super fussy this morning. He hasn't been feeling well between teething and a cough. We passed on a planned trip to the beach today because he wasn't doing so well. Johnny decided to take him for a walk to get him to fall asleep. I tried to take a quick cat nap as well.
When they returned, Johnny came into the bedroom and told me he had a suprise. There sat a rocking chair in our living room! While on his walk around the neighborhood, he came up on a rummage sale and someone selling it for a cheap amount! He had no cash on him at the time, so he pushed Benny another few blocks to the bank, retrieved cash,returned and bought the chair, then proceeded to carry the chair in one arm and push Benny in the other for three blocks uphill to deliver to me the rocking chair that I had given up on! How does it get any sweeter than this! First of all he took our son out to give me a break! Then comes home with a chair that I thought I wouldn't get....and he carried uphill for me!
It is solid wood and sturdy and comfy! It is slightly worn but in great condition. I almost feel like Johnny ripped off the seller. The best part about this is the love that was involved. I don't know where else in the world that I would have found someone who cares and loves me and Benjamin so much!
Kudos Johnny. Here are a few pics!

I Didn't Forget....
Happy 7 months old to Benjamin today! Wow, I can't believe it was 7 months ago today that I laid on the operating room table and my son was born! I remember all of the details that I am capable of remembering as if they were yesterday!
He was born 7lbs 4oz, and now weighs nearly 20lbs! He has learned so much in 7 months and he continues to amaze me everyday! Before any of us realize, I will be planning his first birthday party! I don't hope for it too fast, because I am enjoying all of this little baby stuff, slobbery kisses, cuddling and comforting, baby jibber jabber and nursing him!
So Happy 7 today Benny. My light at the end of everything, my love and joy, and the greatest gift I could have ever imagined in my life!
He was born 7lbs 4oz, and now weighs nearly 20lbs! He has learned so much in 7 months and he continues to amaze me everyday! Before any of us realize, I will be planning his first birthday party! I don't hope for it too fast, because I am enjoying all of this little baby stuff, slobbery kisses, cuddling and comforting, baby jibber jabber and nursing him!
So Happy 7 today Benny. My light at the end of everything, my love and joy, and the greatest gift I could have ever imagined in my life!
Just Random Thoughts and Notes
I just noticed that when you search our blog on google there is another blog Interesting. I want to change our blog name now. Better yet, I'd love to make it private so only a few of you that I care about can actually read it, but I know this is a pain for those of you who don't have google accounts and I love you more than I dislike the others, so I'll leave it public for the meantime. We certainly don't need nosey spies who consistently lose translation in our lives though!
Benny has been sick this last week with a temp on and off. He hasn't been sleeping well which means I haven't been sleeping well. I'm not sure if it is due to teething or a bug. Either way, I am looking forward to him getting his spunk and energy back! He has been a cry baby on my lap for the better part of the week. Poor guy! It has given me a reason to be lazy, but I had really wanted to make the gym for 5:45AM spinning, but he wouldn't stop nursing long enough for me to make it. I know he is much more worth spinning, so we just cuddled back to sleep.
Also, he has learned where his eyes are!!!!! We say "eyes" and do this huge exaggerated blink. Now when we say it, he blinks as well. It is the cutest thing ever. Someone told me not too long ago that as Benny grows I will think each age he is at is the best age ever. Johnny and I catch ourselves doing it all the time!
Ah, I almost forgot! The date has been set and my Dad will be here Memorial Day weekend! The ticket has been purchased and now it is just a waiting game! I am SO excited. I get to spend an entire week with him! I hope that we can convince him to move out here with us. It would be so nice to have Grandpa around for B, and we could use an extra set of hands with this upcoming semester of school! Which as a sidenote, I'm still stuck between Dominguez Hills and Long Beach Universities!
Whew, this week has been hectic-with coming home, unpacking, B being sick, and yesterdays blah blah blah, but I feel so much better now, and it's Friday! I feel like our lives can be peaceful again now and a huge weight is off my back.
Benny has been sick this last week with a temp on and off. He hasn't been sleeping well which means I haven't been sleeping well. I'm not sure if it is due to teething or a bug. Either way, I am looking forward to him getting his spunk and energy back! He has been a cry baby on my lap for the better part of the week. Poor guy! It has given me a reason to be lazy, but I had really wanted to make the gym for 5:45AM spinning, but he wouldn't stop nursing long enough for me to make it. I know he is much more worth spinning, so we just cuddled back to sleep.
Also, he has learned where his eyes are!!!!! We say "eyes" and do this huge exaggerated blink. Now when we say it, he blinks as well. It is the cutest thing ever. Someone told me not too long ago that as Benny grows I will think each age he is at is the best age ever. Johnny and I catch ourselves doing it all the time!
Ah, I almost forgot! The date has been set and my Dad will be here Memorial Day weekend! The ticket has been purchased and now it is just a waiting game! I am SO excited. I get to spend an entire week with him! I hope that we can convince him to move out here with us. It would be so nice to have Grandpa around for B, and we could use an extra set of hands with this upcoming semester of school! Which as a sidenote, I'm still stuck between Dominguez Hills and Long Beach Universities!
Whew, this week has been hectic-with coming home, unpacking, B being sick, and yesterdays blah blah blah, but I feel so much better now, and it's Friday! I feel like our lives can be peaceful again now and a huge weight is off my back.
Definitely a Keeper
Since we rarely eat out due to having a little one and trying to eat healthier, I'm always concocting new little recipes that I think up or see someone else try. Some are worth keeping, and others...well..thank goodness that Johnny eats anything I put in front of him!
I was at the produce market yesterday (my favorite little neighborhood place!) and saw a spaghetti squash. I had once tasted it while I was pregnant and liked it. I was super hungry while I was shopping, so I decided to pick it up and give a go at it. My original intention for dinner tonight was chile verde, but since Benny got sick yesterday I knew I would not be able to put time or effort into it this afternoon. I decided the spaghetti squash was the answer!
Here is what I did!
I cut the squash length wise and removed the guts and seeds. If you've never seen one before, they look a lot like pumpkin in the middle.
After removing the goo, I put each half in pot (cut side down) with about two inches of water, covered and boiled for 20 minutes.
Removed from water then scraped the stringy inside (hence name spaghetti squash) into a bowl with a fork. Save the shell (boat) though! The stringy insides almost taste like a pasta and are fine like angel hair once cooked!
Added 1 small can of tomato sauce, diced raw zucchini (however much or little you like), salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste and a handful of Parmesan cheese. I mixed this all together then scooped back into the boat halves.
Stuck it in the oven for 20 minutes at 350.
While that was baking, I put a boneless chicken breast on the GF with just salt, pepper and a bit of garlic (yes, I know I am probably the only person left who still uses a Foreman). Once cooked, I diced it up and took the boats out of the oven. I put the diced chicken on top of the stringy tomato and zucchini then sprinkled with cheddar cheese. Back in the oven for 5 minutes to melt the cheese.
Viola! Dinner was ready.
It took 45 minutes total but only a few to prep.
It was so super duper good, and the BEST part is that a serving has only 500-600 calories And is really good for you!!! My kind of meal! Johnny totally loved it too so I'm adding it to my "regular" meals. I have to say though, this is a perk that being a housewife has offered. I'm not so sure I would dig cooking so much if I had to return to work. So in the meantime, I'll keep experimenting, and you let me know if you try any!
I was at the produce market yesterday (my favorite little neighborhood place!) and saw a spaghetti squash. I had once tasted it while I was pregnant and liked it. I was super hungry while I was shopping, so I decided to pick it up and give a go at it. My original intention for dinner tonight was chile verde, but since Benny got sick yesterday I knew I would not be able to put time or effort into it this afternoon. I decided the spaghetti squash was the answer!
Here is what I did!
I cut the squash length wise and removed the guts and seeds. If you've never seen one before, they look a lot like pumpkin in the middle.
After removing the goo, I put each half in pot (cut side down) with about two inches of water, covered and boiled for 20 minutes.
Removed from water then scraped the stringy inside (hence name spaghetti squash) into a bowl with a fork. Save the shell (boat) though! The stringy insides almost taste like a pasta and are fine like angel hair once cooked!
Added 1 small can of tomato sauce, diced raw zucchini (however much or little you like), salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste and a handful of Parmesan cheese. I mixed this all together then scooped back into the boat halves.
Stuck it in the oven for 20 minutes at 350.
While that was baking, I put a boneless chicken breast on the GF with just salt, pepper and a bit of garlic (yes, I know I am probably the only person left who still uses a Foreman). Once cooked, I diced it up and took the boats out of the oven. I put the diced chicken on top of the stringy tomato and zucchini then sprinkled with cheddar cheese. Back in the oven for 5 minutes to melt the cheese.
Viola! Dinner was ready.
It took 45 minutes total but only a few to prep.
It was so super duper good, and the BEST part is that a serving has only 500-600 calories And is really good for you!!! My kind of meal! Johnny totally loved it too so I'm adding it to my "regular" meals. I have to say though, this is a perk that being a housewife has offered. I'm not so sure I would dig cooking so much if I had to return to work. So in the meantime, I'll keep experimenting, and you let me know if you try any!
A Week's Worth Of Pictures and Other Things Going on In Our Lives!
Whew... I haven't really blogged in a week becasue we have been super duper busy! There is so much to tell! I suppose I'll start with Benny's latest doctor appointment! He recieved his 6 month shots. When the nurse administered them he just looked at us with this sad little face and cried as if he were saying "why are you letting her hurt me?" It broke both mine and Johnny's hearts. After they were all said and done he did fine though. Anyway, he is weighing in at a whopping 19lbs 8oz and is 25 inches long! He has grown so much and all through breastfeeding! The doctor once again hounded me about giving him something other than breastmilk and I pretty much just ignored her. I will do it when I am ready! She did however say that Benny's ability to cruise, pull himself up and basically do everything but walk is pretty advanced. I am so glad, because every mother worries about meeting milestones! Also, his new thing to do is to make raspberry noises with his mouth. It is part of his vocabulary now as he chatters away!
Back to the breast feeding thingie though.. I am open to suggestion about how to keep nursing but be able to get him to sleep without me. It is still a huge problem, and I am not ready to ween him, but we need to find a a middle ground because it is becoming increasingly difficult to put him down for a nap unless I plan on sleeping with him.
Also, Johnny's mom came down at the beginning of last week and stayed for a few days. We spent an afternoon at the beach and lounged. She, Benny and I all went back to the valley mid week and Johnny joined us on Friday! I was able to use the weekdays to spend time with my family. I visited my aunt for several hours and we made a trip to Fresno. I miss all the time that I used to spend with her. I also spent a few hours with my mom and grandparents. It was a nice day to sit outside and listen to the sounds of the country. I hope they are around this earth long enough for Benjamin to have a few memories with them. My head is filled with so many good ones that I will forever cherish. My cousins called on Sunday and wanted me to meet them in Fresno for lunch, and I am super bummed that I already had plans. Next time cousins! I am sooo glad that we have a pretty tight knit family!
So late Friday night arrived and Johnny made it into town. We had a few hours of mommy and daddy time which is something I will definitley have to write about when I have more time, so stay tuned.
Here is the weekend in review!
We spent Saturday afternoon baking and having family time. I baked my very first bunny cake. Not bad for a first timer! I remember my mom used to make them each year when I was little. I even used chocolate licorice as the whiskers. Late in the afternoon we took a walk to the meat market and Johnny and I loaded up on meat for our house. I think this is the most brilliant idea I had all week! The meat is soooo much cheaper in Dinuba than it is down here in LA. So we bought a bunch and brought it home in an ice chest! Score #2... we now have an ice chest which will get used a bunch with our impending camping trips!

So here's a bit of Saturday afternoon pics with family. If you have never watched a real Mexican family play volleyball in the front yard, you should sometime. It is super funny!

A Saturday afternoon hanging outside in Dinuba!
Benny and Maddy are certainly best friends!

If she could reach the clutch I'm sure the truck would be in rolling away!
Sharde and Maddy getting dizzy!
Mexican volley ball..properly equipped with a 99 cent store plastic ball!
The Mendozas. What am I getting myself into?
B and I watched the yard volleyball game from the porch, and we controlled the music!
Benjamin is now pushing his dump truck here at home with such ease that we are sure that he will take off running on his own any day now! So, the challenge was toughened when Maddy sat in the truck! Of course Benjamin was able to push her on the tile though! Maddy seemed to enjoy it! I can't believe how strong my little man is and how much he has grown! He will be 7 months this week! Where has time gone?
Benny and Maddy figured out a new game! This is just the beginning.........what next?
The Easter Bunny came to Grandma's house too!
His bucket seconds as a hat!
Well, where do I begin? I suppose this was a "had to be there moment", but the pic is still funny!
We were preforming a dance move.
Johnny and I frosted the cupcakes after a few drinks....our concentration was thick, and the cupcakes were delish!
Nobody is safe when we are in town!
My favorite little guy. He has a big attachment to me right now. He stresses when I put him a way it feels good, but eventually I have to put him down and it hurts to see him cry!
Party Poopers!
Easter Sunday started with Benny and I meeting my mom at church! It was nice to see my aunt, uncle and cousin as well. This was Benny's first church trip. I know what some of you are thinking.. 7 months and this is his FIRST? Well, it is! Anyway, he didn't really care for church other than the singing part when my mom banged her tambourine. Once singing was over, he pretty much fussed and I had to take him outside.
After church we met the Mendoza family for an afternoon BBQ. It was nice and relaxing. I stuffed myself ridiculously with three plates of food and then two dessert plates. Yes, back to the gym this week!
Benjamin and Madison played with Adrian and we all took turns pulling the kids in the wagon. Johnny's cousin Ronnie even let Sharde and I take a cruise in his new Mercedes. Now I know why people buy those things... it was so nice, powerful and lacked nothing!
We stayed in town until the early evening and then started our trek home again! I have been back and forth so many time in the last six months that I know the drive like the back of my hand! There was a lot of traffic though so it took us 4.5 hours. Ugh. We were exhausted! It was nice to get home though. I just bought a new fan for our place since nobody down here has AC, and I was so excited to plug it in and sleep with tht e white noise! Ahh... the little things in life. Benny has slept really well with it on also! It was like having the ocean breeze inside with the windows closed!
The World's Strongest Baby pulls Madison. It's hard to believe they are less than amonth apart!
Benny stayed entertained on Easter

All pooped out. This toy puts him to sleep every time!
Annd last but certainly not least, a few pics from Melody's trip down here. I was so thankful that she came. I think she enjoyed a mini vay-kay as well! We had nothing on our adgenda, and nothing is what we did! I love having blank schedules! We did really enjoy the beach. She needed a tan, but a burn is what she got instead. How is it that the white daughter in law is darker than the mexicans? We joked about this all week!
Even Mother-In-Laws need spring break!

Basically the World's Best Dad
So many couples have great relationships but wouldn't call their partner their best friend. There is nobody that I would rather hang out with more. I am lucky. Johnny and I have these cheesy ridiculous best friend moments that we don't even have to speak about...they are just there. All the hard and constant work that we pour into our relationship pays off each and every minute that we smile together. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. I met my match.
Noooo... Baywatch was not being filmed this day. I know it is hard to believe! I DO have the World's Best Friend!

Back to the breast feeding thingie though.. I am open to suggestion about how to keep nursing but be able to get him to sleep without me. It is still a huge problem, and I am not ready to ween him, but we need to find a a middle ground because it is becoming increasingly difficult to put him down for a nap unless I plan on sleeping with him.
Also, Johnny's mom came down at the beginning of last week and stayed for a few days. We spent an afternoon at the beach and lounged. She, Benny and I all went back to the valley mid week and Johnny joined us on Friday! I was able to use the weekdays to spend time with my family. I visited my aunt for several hours and we made a trip to Fresno. I miss all the time that I used to spend with her. I also spent a few hours with my mom and grandparents. It was a nice day to sit outside and listen to the sounds of the country. I hope they are around this earth long enough for Benjamin to have a few memories with them. My head is filled with so many good ones that I will forever cherish. My cousins called on Sunday and wanted me to meet them in Fresno for lunch, and I am super bummed that I already had plans. Next time cousins! I am sooo glad that we have a pretty tight knit family!
So late Friday night arrived and Johnny made it into town. We had a few hours of mommy and daddy time which is something I will definitley have to write about when I have more time, so stay tuned.
Here is the weekend in review!
We spent Saturday afternoon baking and having family time. I baked my very first bunny cake. Not bad for a first timer! I remember my mom used to make them each year when I was little. I even used chocolate licorice as the whiskers. Late in the afternoon we took a walk to the meat market and Johnny and I loaded up on meat for our house. I think this is the most brilliant idea I had all week! The meat is soooo much cheaper in Dinuba than it is down here in LA. So we bought a bunch and brought it home in an ice chest! Score #2... we now have an ice chest which will get used a bunch with our impending camping trips!

So here's a bit of Saturday afternoon pics with family. If you have never watched a real Mexican family play volleyball in the front yard, you should sometime. It is super funny!

A Saturday afternoon hanging outside in Dinuba!

If she could reach the clutch I'm sure the truck would be in rolling away!

Benjamin is now pushing his dump truck here at home with such ease that we are sure that he will take off running on his own any day now! So, the challenge was toughened when Maddy sat in the truck! Of course Benjamin was able to push her on the tile though! Maddy seemed to enjoy it! I can't believe how strong my little man is and how much he has grown! He will be 7 months this week! Where has time gone?

Easter Sunday started with Benny and I meeting my mom at church! It was nice to see my aunt, uncle and cousin as well. This was Benny's first church trip. I know what some of you are thinking.. 7 months and this is his FIRST? Well, it is! Anyway, he didn't really care for church other than the singing part when my mom banged her tambourine. Once singing was over, he pretty much fussed and I had to take him outside.
After church we met the Mendoza family for an afternoon BBQ. It was nice and relaxing. I stuffed myself ridiculously with three plates of food and then two dessert plates. Yes, back to the gym this week!
Benjamin and Madison played with Adrian and we all took turns pulling the kids in the wagon. Johnny's cousin Ronnie even let Sharde and I take a cruise in his new Mercedes. Now I know why people buy those things... it was so nice, powerful and lacked nothing!
We stayed in town until the early evening and then started our trek home again! I have been back and forth so many time in the last six months that I know the drive like the back of my hand! There was a lot of traffic though so it took us 4.5 hours. Ugh. We were exhausted! It was nice to get home though. I just bought a new fan for our place since nobody down here has AC, and I was so excited to plug it in and sleep with tht e white noise! Ahh... the little things in life. Benny has slept really well with it on also! It was like having the ocean breeze inside with the windows closed!

Annd last but certainly not least, a few pics from Melody's trip down here. I was so thankful that she came. I think she enjoyed a mini vay-kay as well! We had nothing on our adgenda, and nothing is what we did! I love having blank schedules! We did really enjoy the beach. She needed a tan, but a burn is what she got instead. How is it that the white daughter in law is darker than the mexicans? We joked about this all week!

So many couples have great relationships but wouldn't call their partner their best friend. There is nobody that I would rather hang out with more. I am lucky. Johnny and I have these cheesy ridiculous best friend moments that we don't even have to speak about...they are just there. All the hard and constant work that we pour into our relationship pays off each and every minute that we smile together. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. I met my match.

Chocolate Drop Cookies
Once again it is nearly 1 AM, and I am awake! I have surfed through enough stupid myspace pages that I am ready to purge myspace from my total existence, facebook isn't any better, and I already have mentally planned the next five years of gym routines in my head. What better to do? Whip up a batch of these dang cookies that I meant to make yesterday before the Dodger's game so that we would have something to snack on. Instead I decided to sleep in nearly half the day and forgot about the cookies. This ultimately resulted in Johnny and I eating Dodger Dogs (glorified hot dog!) at $5 buckeroos each! Whew, steep price to pay for choosing sleep and forgetting to make cookies!
So I am fixated on making these cookies now that I have thought the late night idea up, but I know that I will bang a pot or two around loud enough to wake my sleeping beauties, and then...trouble! Benny is still not sleeping well without me. Although Johnny can now get him to sleep pretty easily, he wakes and refuses contentment until I arrive with the magic breast! I regularly keep in mind that it is not for forever! Anyhow, back to the cookies. Let me give a little background: This recipe came from my mom. When I was little she would make them all the time, and my favorite part was that they were ready to eat in like minutes, and after they cool, they have a smooth bottom. I have no clue why, but this always fascinated me as a child, so now when I make these, I look at the bottom of each one that I eat and smirk a little (awww... nostalgic refelction). Anyway, she made them regularly, and I'm sure you relatives reading this already know what recipe I am referring to. Yep, the chocolate, oatmeal, peanut buttery and a whole entire sugar cane farm ones!
So since I surely cannot make them right now (very sad face), I will settle for releasing the recipe instead. I am highly addicted to these once I make a batch, and of course Johnny has his sugar tooth that can't resist either! They require little ingredients or time, but prepare to add a pound or two to your uh-hem....hiney!
2 C Sugar
1/2 C Butter
1/2 C Milk
3 C Quick Oats
1 C Peanut Butter
1 tsp vanilla
Waxed Paper (Don't substitute, or you will have a big mess!)
How To:
Add sugar, butter, milk and cocoa together on the stove top in a big pot. Continue cooking until mixture begins to boil. Make sure that you are constantly stirring. Boil for 1 Minute, or until sugar is all dissolved.
Remove from heat
Add in peanut butter, quick oats and vanilla.
Stir until well mixed.
Drop by the tablespoon on waxed paper and let set for 15 minutes, and Viola! There you have a sugar fien's greatest fix!
If you decide to try them out, let me know what you think! Happy Trails, and good night from the Mendoza Crazy Farm!
So I am fixated on making these cookies now that I have thought the late night idea up, but I know that I will bang a pot or two around loud enough to wake my sleeping beauties, and then...trouble! Benny is still not sleeping well without me. Although Johnny can now get him to sleep pretty easily, he wakes and refuses contentment until I arrive with the magic breast! I regularly keep in mind that it is not for forever! Anyhow, back to the cookies. Let me give a little background: This recipe came from my mom. When I was little she would make them all the time, and my favorite part was that they were ready to eat in like minutes, and after they cool, they have a smooth bottom. I have no clue why, but this always fascinated me as a child, so now when I make these, I look at the bottom of each one that I eat and smirk a little (awww... nostalgic refelction). Anyway, she made them regularly, and I'm sure you relatives reading this already know what recipe I am referring to. Yep, the chocolate, oatmeal, peanut buttery and a whole entire sugar cane farm ones!
So since I surely cannot make them right now (very sad face), I will settle for releasing the recipe instead. I am highly addicted to these once I make a batch, and of course Johnny has his sugar tooth that can't resist either! They require little ingredients or time, but prepare to add a pound or two to your uh-hem....hiney!
2 C Sugar
1/2 C Butter
1/2 C Milk
3 C Quick Oats
1 C Peanut Butter
1 tsp vanilla
Waxed Paper (Don't substitute, or you will have a big mess!)
How To:
Add sugar, butter, milk and cocoa together on the stove top in a big pot. Continue cooking until mixture begins to boil. Make sure that you are constantly stirring. Boil for 1 Minute, or until sugar is all dissolved.
Remove from heat
Add in peanut butter, quick oats and vanilla.
Stir until well mixed.
Drop by the tablespoon on waxed paper and let set for 15 minutes, and Viola! There you have a sugar fien's greatest fix!
If you decide to try them out, let me know what you think! Happy Trails, and good night from the Mendoza Crazy Farm!
Dodgers vs. Brewers.... Check!
We hit up Dodger Stadium this weekend for the first game of the season. Yay! It was all of our first Dodgers game! And, I went back to being a brunette which has been a shock in the mirror for me. The game was my "debut outing"! Ha! Anyway, enjoy!
I think he is the only person left who wears a satin Starteer jacket. He claims he bought it at a yard sale 10 years ago for $7.00. Whatever the truth is he sported it with pride!
B and I in front of the stadium.
Benny was totally cool. He chilled nicely!
Awwww..... They are so perfect together!
Wow.. we are a super hot couple!
I guess the Terminator is coming out again???????/
The Downtown skyline at night! Ohhhh.... pretty!

And we finished the weekend off with a Sunday afternoon at the beach! Yay for super nice weather!

I think he is the only person left who wears a satin Starteer jacket. He claims he bought it at a yard sale 10 years ago for $7.00. Whatever the truth is he sported it with pride!
B and I in front of the stadium.
Benny was totally cool. He chilled nicely!
Awwww..... They are so perfect together!
Wow.. we are a super hot couple!
I guess the Terminator is coming out again???????/
The Downtown skyline at night! Ohhhh.... pretty!

And we finished the weekend off with a Sunday afternoon at the beach! Yay for super nice weather!