Editor's Picks and Other Fun Stuff

This is currently my most favorite cookie face picture!
Future recording artist
Cookie Monster

All cookied out.

And tired. Eating cookies is tough work!

Relax..... I can already hear your thoughts through the monitor!

Johnny's favorite.

This kid is so easy to keep entertained.... and Johnny has a side kick.

I just love this picture. And since I am the editor, I am choosing as one of my faves!

My cuddle bear. I cherish these little moments!

How can you not love a pic of a kid with hair like this? I am a great stylist.

I am seriously competitive. Don't mess with my bocce.

Ahhhh... who is this oaxacan?

Young Slash

Scissor Gang Mafia? Eh. Not so much.

Even funnier!

Swing Ride


6 months old!

Personal Reflection

So as it is obvious from previous post, we are back home, and I am a little refreshed! I find myself needing a quick get a way to recharge my spirits. As I have been very honest about, all of the changes in my life in the last year require some getting used to! Sometimes a trip out of day to day life leaves me charged to get back to my basics!

I never forget how thankful I am for my family. Johnny and Benjamin are my most favorite things in the world, and i'm pretty sure that the feeling is well mutual! I enjoy spending each day with them, but sometimes I start to take my days for granted and think less of my inner goals. On my drive home from the valley last night, I started thinking about the two weeks that had passed. I have been at personal crossroads. These crossroads, although do not need to be specified, have weighed me down, caused me to lose sleep, and in the end, I began to think less of the joy I want to be a part of daily, and was thinking more of the turmoil which I allowed to consumed me. I know that I am the only person that is responsible for my happiness, and I am the ultimate determiner of my reactions to another's actions, not visa versa. I dislike that I have allowed myself to fall into the "me" mode, and play the victim when things don't go as I mentally planned them, people don't feel as I think they should, others do not have the same personal goals, and others do not react how I would. I am so imperfect. I get angry when others pity or become consumed with themselves, that I forget the good that is also apart of their exsistence.

I strive for change. I want to be better today than I was yesterday, and never grow complacent. I want to see the good in all (although some people are determined to believe otherwise about me!) and I want to continue loving all the things that I hold so dear and love so much! My family is first in all that I do, think and feel. I will not give up or stop loving regardless of the chance I am taking. I am not only speaking in terms of Johnny and Benjamin, I am speaking of sisters, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I am trying and with each passing day growing closer to better understanding the dynamics of this thing called relationships that we put ourselves through. Each relationship which has an ounce of gratification requires a pound of work, and I need to keep this fire under me to remain true to the work that is important to me! I know that I need to grow. I need patience. But one thing is for sure, my love is never dying.

Love For Family!

Benny had a great time during our visit with family last week. Now that we are home, he is recuperating from all the excitement with a big long nap!
It is such a blessing to me to have family around who love Benny so much. We are truly lucky, and I can only hope and wish that Benny can reflect back on his childhood and have wonderful fond memories of his family. Watching B interact with those who love him makes my heart warm and reminds me that we are part of something bigger then ourselves!

Maddy and Benny... Sit still you two!

Benny wants to play on Maddy!

Come back!! Don't run away!

A Saturday afternoon nap with grandpa!

In the front yard of course!

Grandma's secret is let loose! B is knocked out!

Buster is jealous of B!

Only a grandma would give a baby a green onion to chew on! Seriously!

Grandma and her cutie patuties!

And of course horsey rides from papa are the best! Even Kayla enjoyed Benny this time- now that he "doesn't cry all the time"!

Temporary Hiatus

We're home aka- "The Valley" this week! Benny and I brought my mom back from her flight into LAX on Monday and we decided to just hang in the spring weather til next week! I enjoy being able to travel back and forth so easily, and I love being able to see our families!

Benny has been such a happy baby and has played so well with everyone! Madison adores him, and even though I don't think he understands that she's a baby as well, he adores her just as much! We've played outside, gone for a walk, Benny pkayed with horsey with great grandpa and Kayla, and I even got some girly time last night while grandma was kind enough to keep B for a few hours. We did discover that Benny probably just won't ever be able to drink formula though. I didn't have any milk pumped for him and we decided to go out at the last minute, so I resorted to formula for him. His grandma had to give him a small bit which he didn't like, then he threw up several times. The fact that formula is a no-no would be fine with me, but should there be an emergency, Benny is going to have a much tougher time. So for now though, I have learned that any extended periods away from B must be planned from now on. I guess I can deal with it... the pay off is enormous anyway!

SO the agenda for the rest of the week includes a picnic at the river this evening (B's first river trip!!!), a trip to Fresno to finally meet Phoebe and the girls, and a few BBQs and lots of family time! Johnny will be in on Friday night (I can't wait because I miss him ridiculously!). We may squeexe in some mommy and daddy time, but overall, we are just enjoying our time with family while the weather proves amazing! The blossoms are blooming, and I am enjoying one of my most favorite seasons which I have missed out on for 9 years!

I do have a bazillion pictures to post once we get home. Stayed tuned of course!

Beach Photos!

Natasha was kind enough to take some pro pics of Benny adn I down on the beach last week, and the results are in! Check them out and let me know which you love because I am having such a tough time deciding which ones we will choose because they are all fantastic! She does such awesome work!

Anyway, below is the link! Happy Trails!

http://hnphotography.smugmug.com/Children Then click on Lindsey and Benny mini pic!

Economic Hardship- Even the Little Ones Are Affected

With the economy affecting everyone, we have found our golden ticket, and teaching Benny valuable lessons !

Season Opener- LA Galaxy vs DC United

We were so there! The sun was shining, the crowd was loud, and the game tied up 2-2 in the last 10 minutes! It was a blast- although we all should have worn sunscreen! Benny was fabulous and didnt scare or cry when the crown screamed or tha cannons were fired!

I found a new appreciation for the game of soccer in relation to the demand for athletic ability! I was very impressed! Go Galaxy!

He can sleep through anything!

Almost GOAL time!

It's Oh So Quiet

The house is so quiet and almost lonely. I have been busy busy busy for the last week, and have had company all this week, and now: silence.

Natasha left this afternoon, Johnny headed back for night classes, and Benny is being strangly quiet (I should go check on him)! Hmph. Life returns to my occasional solitude.

Its been a little taxing being in a big city where nobody knows my name, and my family is all that I have to keep me sane. But if I remember correctly, I have always loved being who ever I want to be, rather than who people think I am in small towns.

So back to the previously scheduled program. Back to the reality- the part of my little solitude life that I also appreciate so much. Back to late night cuddling on the couch watching episode after episode of Intervention and 48 Hours!

Never Fear. Benny Is Here!

Make sure to check out the video below this posting! We're so stuck on this kid!

Benny To The Rescue!

His tool belt holds all his tools!

And he flys!

He must be looking up at the bat sign....or his dad..whatever!

He fears nothing!

His cape helps him fly!

"I will smack you back into shape"!

Here to Save The Day!

There Are Tar Pits in Hollywood? Hmph. Who Knew?

We went home on Saturday night a little disappointed that we had spent too much time in downtown Hollywood and didn't get a chance to go up Mullholland Drive in the daytime. So, we went back on Sunday. We checked out the La Brea tar pits as well. I was so intrigued by the pits and all of the fossils that have been and are still being excavated.

So we went to the pits and then on to Mullholland Drive to get a clear view of the Hollywood sign. The view was indeed amazing and I can check it off of the "Things to Do In Life" Checklist! Now, we have to check the view out at night.

The infamous Mullholland Drive and Studio City in the back ground.

Hollywood. How appropriate for a BMW to be driving in the background.

La Brea Tar Pits. This is a REAL tarpit people! REAL!

Meet my little puppy Benny.

My love. My friend.

Um.. this is a real tar pit too.. shouldnt there be a fence around it or something?

Coincedence that the name of the museum is in the background. Promise.

Outside of the museum. It was a beautiful day!

Strong shoulders are a must.

Not exhibits, just observers.

This guy chases me in my dreams. This is a mammoth found fosilized when one of the pits was excavated. Very interesting.