I Couldn't Resist!

I have the best guy and Benny has the best Dad! This is our first weekend alone in our new home. I wanted to sleep in and Johnny took Benny this morning so that I could! After I woke and got ready we went for a nice afternoon on the beach and to the produce market for our dinner veggies! Benny was such a good baby all day! He has spent good quality time with Johnny and has barely cried!

This evening I cooked dinner and B sat on the counter and watched happily. I took pictures of him because he is so dang cue that I couldn't resist. We go a little creative and Johnny took advantage of Benn's passiveness. I truly was afraid that he would end up being a really fussy baby, but he isn't and we are so relieved. Plus he seems to really enjoy following Johnny around with his eyes!
Hope you enjoy!

Johnny and Benny--both watching Saturday morning soccer!

What do you think of my broccoli hat?

Do you like the pepper better?

Zuchinni Ears

I'm cute!