A diffferent kind of blog
Something hit me hard last night and touched me beyond my daily recognitions. I received a package over the weekend from an old co worker and friend in Tennessee. The contents were of course for Benjamin, but there also were items for me-to help me be a better parent. Now, I was really reminded that people make lasting impacts in our lives. I have not actually spoke to my friend other than a few emails in nearly two years. It is so easy for me to get caught up in my daily life that I forget about actually keeping in touch, and then feel lonely for not doing so. This package reminded me that people come in to our lives for all sorts of reasons, and some stay regardless of the miles between. And funny how some people are uplifting when you seem to need it most
The other reason that this package made an impact was the contents to help me be a better mom. As all new moms do, I have thought I know what is best. Really, I may not. My focus however, is to be the best that I can be. As I look around our empty apartment, I remember that although we haven't found the furniture we want, have very little that we call our own, and are miles from the people we know, the most important things to me are my family, and being the best that I can be. I want to be better tomorrow than I was today. For once in my life, I can look around and have nothing material that I am proud of, but I can honestly say that I am the happiest that I have ever been. I was born to be a mother. I was born to have this family.
So my days are filled with changing poopy diapers, or fretting over why Benjamin hasn't had a poopy diaper in two days. My afternoons are filled with desires for naps and dinner preparations, and evenings are consumed by tired crys and baby baths. My voice stays at the high pitch of baby talking most of the time and I have to remind myself to change my pitch when having an adult conversation. My wardrobe consists of "lounging" clothes with spit up spots, and it sometimes takes me until 6 pm to finally get our bed made, but I am part of something bigger than just me and that alone makes operating on 4 or 5 hours of sleep worth more than anything I've ever had. I'm finally at peace.
Another weekend gone and Benny is another week older!
My sister is having a boy!!! I am so excited! Sometimes I feel guilty for not doing all things that I want to do for her because I am consumed by Benjamin, but I can't wait to be there in Colorado to welcome Baby Ronan to the world! Her belly is adorable, and just to look at my little sister all grown up makes me smile although a little sad that she really doesn't need me anymore. As most of you remember, she was actually my first child! I am so thankful for the relationship that she and I have though... and Jess, THANKS for being and always remaining drama free! The way sisters should be!

I'm sure Benny will pay Johnny back for this one day!
And this!

Benny likes to be serenaded!

My boys! So adorable!

My beautiful sister and I. She's the ham.

My mom, sister and I Aunt Jess and Benny
Cousins! We seriously love eachother. Benny and his great aunt grandma!
Border brother and trailer park meet at a Halloween party!

My best friend. She tells me when you talk about me!

Benner the skeleton!

I know, it is looks very very real.
But at the end of the night when the costumes come off, this is whats really left!
My family. I'm blessed!
Mixed Feelings
So, (stepping off soapbox)I do however agree that Walmart provides cheaper prices and with the economy in the dumps as it is, expensive LA prices, and one income (as you see, I feel the need to explain, and rightfully so) I looked on the Walmart website for the nearest store (al the while feeling like shit about doing so). To my happiness and dismay, I found that there is not a Walmart within 15 miles of my zipcode. I am glad and feel a sense of relief that I can't ACTUALLY shop there and then feel regret later, but I am actually a little sad that I can't save more money. THIS is the reason that Walmart is evil. I almost need to say nothing else, but I will. Walmart convinces us (ou are probably included) that we NEED them and we actaully do for the sake of price competition. They really do win. But we all know exactly how they do it.. monopolizing.
In the end, i have mixed emotions and will now have to look for an alternative. With milk rices nearly 5 bucks a gallon down here, I hope that the alternative is close!
I Couldn't Resist!

Johnny and Benny--both watching Saturday morning soccer!
What do you think of my broccoli hat?
Do you like the pepper better?
Zuchinni Ears
I'm cute!
Pretending I'm not listening!
I hope you enjoy!

New Mom Discoveries!
Baby Wearing is not just for Hollywood fashion. Sasha bought Benny and I a baby wrap and it has saved me so many times. The wrap is a 6 foot by 2 foot piece of crinkle cotton which can be tied in many ways in order to wear a baby. I have worn Benny when doing things around the house, on the beach, while nursing and shopping. It is so easy to nurse him discreetly while having him wrapped to me while in public! I can do just about anything with him against me which soothes him and allows me to hold him hands free!
This is much different than the slings that you can buy at Target. The wrap can be tied as a sling if you'd like, but there are so many more options.
I have a cd which shows 12 ways to tie the sling and wear the baby. If anybody is interested, I will gladly burn a copy or send instructions on how to tie if you are interested! Seriously, it is my number one "must have" for the baby. Also, there are tie holds for toddlers which allows the little guy to be held on the hip hand free. Kids up to 45 lbs can be wrapped to mom or dad!
My main advice is this though... Go to a fabric store and buy your own piece of crinkle cotton. Ordering online will cost you a nice price which is absolutley unnecessary. And, there is no sewing required.
He's tucked n and away from the sun!

Totally hands free and he was happy!
Finally.. a moment to blog!
He has already mastered the "You're dumb" look which everyone swears he gets from me!

Johnny and Benny on the Hermosa Beach Pier

Benny's first bath in the sink!

I love this picture!
Our life has had major changes... obviously. We scored our apartment in Redondo Beach although not without a heavy price, but we are minutes from the beach again, and in what we feel is a very safe and nice neighborhood. We realized that in order to live here, we must make serious sacrafices! There isnt a swimming pool, but we have secure parking and are minutes (yes, minutes!) from the water!. We don't have a whole lot of space, but there are laundry facilities on premises and we have a furnished refrigerator! A total package woud have been at an unbelievable price and the truth is, we are simple. I am just superbly relieved to get on with life in LA. There seemed to be so many constant negatives in the valley that Johnny and I ached to leave.. and leave the baggage! Thank God our team is stronger than those before us and we have persevered!
Johnny is still working all day which I can't wait until he gives it up! I want him home so bad, but we know very good things are going to come out of this, so we are being ducks and sitting. We have an action packed month ahead of us which we are all looking forward to as well! We have many visitors and trips planned so my days should stay busy for a while. But for today, Benny and I are hanging out alone! Johnnys mom helped us move which was a huge help and after begging, I convinced her to stay a few extra days. She left this morning, and this feeling of wonder crept over me... this is mine and Benjamin's first time alone and out of reach from anyone. Scary, but as I know, not knowing what could happen has been the greatest joy in my life. Benny and I are on an adventure together!
Benny has grown more than ever also! He has traveled between LA and the valley very well and sleeps the whole way! The vibrations of the road on the 99 seem to keep him slumbering. He did however have a little bit of a problem with his umbilical cord falling off which required some special attention and medicine from the doc which was when I encountered my first cry of pain with my son. She warned me that when she applied ointment that he would not be happy. To my suprise, he SCREAMED and I cried for him. Dealing with the baby blues didn't provide much help either. Other than this episode and some gas trouble which occasionally creates fits of inconsolable crying, Benny has been healthy and such a wonderful addition to our lives that I don't even have the words to describe!
This Friday Benny wil be four weeks old, and it seems like so much has happened in the last four weeks but yet I can't believe how quickly time goes by. I do finally feel like I can sit back and relax and enjoy my family now that I have recovered and we are moved and settled. I think I may even begin to cook more! I still have a few weeks before I can get back to running and working out, but I will be patient... although patience doesn't come naturally to me.