Johnny's parents came to visit us this past weekend. I love having visitors although our place is almost too small. We managed to stay cozy during their long weekend visit and had a blast though!
We seemed to be cooking the entire weekend and I stuffed myself more than I normally do. We took a trip to Redondo Beach Pier and checked out all of the shops as well as making our weekly visit to the Farmer's Market in Torrance. Johnny's parents seemed to really enjoy it. We had an enormous sushi "snack" while at the pier and I was in heaven since I have not eaten sushi since before my pregnancy. I didn't realize how much I had missed it.
To top off Saturday, Johnny and I went out for a night on the beach. This was our first baby free night together since Benny was born. We went to Hermosa beach and watched some live music which we both totally loved. We were home by 1AM or so since neither of us can seem to "hang" anymore. We had a blast and laughed the entire night. It amost felt like a very first date again!
Adena and Megan came for dinner and a game of Catch Phrase on Sunday and I made homemade tortillas (with Mels help of course). Johnny's parents, Benny and I went to Ports 'O Call in San Pedro on Monday afternoon. Johnny had to head back to work so he couldn't join us :(. However, we had an enjoyable time and there were hardly any people there so it was ours and free to roam. It was awesome seeing all of the boats, and I fell in love with the town. I definitley want to look further into moving there. I know I would have to give up the very close distance from the beach, but I think I could manage.
I always love when Johnny's mom is here because she is such a big help and makes herself right at home so I don't have to entertain her. She originally set up my kitchen and keeps it very well maintained! (this means I don't do dishes while she is here!) It is a nice little getaway for her and Benny gets to play with grandma!
Here are a few pictures that I have from the weekend. I'l post more as soon as Melody sends me hers from her camera!

Johnny and Mel trying to figure our the air matress.

The air matress fit perfectly in our living room. I think they were cozy!

Is grandpa making Benny cry?

Benny peaks around the corner to say good morning!
Grandpa making us strawberry pancakes. They were delish!
Grandma me and Benny hanging out on the pier.
Family portrait. Can you find Benny? He is almost hidden. He slept the entire time.

The aftermath of our sushi dinner. I think there were already plates cleared when this picture was taken!

Benny in his dump truck. He's not too sure what to make of it though.

Our night out!! Yay!!